INTERGENERATIONAL :EXPONENTIAL RISING" OPEN INTELLIGENCE King Charles is probably the greatest living influencer of the multilateral purpose that rose among the generation who went to world war 2 as teensm survived and hoped to help make world better for all kids by ending all the poverty traps nearly 500 years of Empire had spiralled from slave trading to crazy borders (how can a nation be landlocked and free ginbven 85% of world trade is shipped) -
so that as of 1945 less than half the world had access to electricity grids, and essentially the whole world was in finavila or goodwill debt to USA. Diaspora Scots families like mine were always swapping stories on commonwealth - was that what adam smith and james watt the first 2 influencers of artificial (engineers') systems design intended back in University of Glasgow 1760s; my own dad Norman had beat the odds surviving as teenage navigator world war 2 allied bomber command Burma Campaign. While not of the Upper Classes we valued the extroardinary public service that British Royalth since 1843 have connected
AS celebrated in Norman's diaries elsewhere Neumann Eisitein Turing by their death in mid 1950s the genius brains of the NET (and alumni) planted what became quimtillion times more tech of computation and satellite communications by 2025. But after their parting the first 3 leaders to discuss intergenerational goals that such a rising expoential valued were JFKennedy, the the Prince Charles, And the Japan Emperor Family. see
It was kennedy who made the 1960s exciting for youth to grow up in with 1) space race ie what can satellites do; 2) peace corps ie what can american youth do (abnd culturally open space) if posted in places whose poverty americans had ceased to know existence (NB there is very deep poverty in america but its not hundres or thousands of miles inland with people dying of diarrhea or malaria), the idea of triple win-win trades between america, europe and asia. With Kennedy's assassination in 1963, his ideas were left for Prince Charels to discuss wirh japan Emperor family at 964 Tokyo Olympics; the families agree akio Morita of Sony should inward invest in UK (firts Japan inward investment in west) after a chnace meeting of Morita installing a sony tv in charles bedroom at British Rmbassy; the tokyo olympics was the first global satellite audience proving satellites were a thing; Charles found that the two islands that had acidentally come to design how trade was done across most asian coastlines wanted to reconcile the border messes tehir mepiures had made and had common interests as islanders where the rulre is never that far distant from his peoples or nature's sea.
Of course prince charles culturally represents the commonwealth trust that his mom and her mom graciously represented through the extrordinary 20th century in which English reamined the main code until digital Have a look here at King Charles more direct imoact on 21st C AI.
Note that befire mores law started- Asians out of Japan but spreading through Korea S, and Taiwan celebrated 2 american intelligences that oddly Amerucan leaders largely missed celebrating with their own peoples (borlaug's crop science - number 1 intelligence preventing billion asu=ians from starvation; deming the system desugns any engineer can apply to recursively improve quaility year on year -
At very least this means the Kings English LLM can map commonwealth purposes which indeed had been the purposie that queen victiria demanded of all royal society newsleters from 1843 and the Charter bank she asked London-Scot and Economist fiunder James Wilson to go plant for the quarter of humans on subcontinet of India 1859 so that the region had its own taxation system. James died in calcuttaof diarrhea after first yera of charter bank; it took another 11-+ years before the peoples of Bay of Bengal were to gift the world the end of infants and elders dying of duiarrhea- oral rehydration being the primary intelligence of hundreds of millions of women empowerment in tropical villages (the greatest development miracle of one sinngle invention- )