.IN SEARCH OF INTELLIGENCE unites families advancing next generation's life on earth.. Spring 2025, Wash DC, chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk ; linkedin UNwomens::: 2025Reporter Club
Over 60% of people depend on pacific trades. Because of Western era of Empire, Pacific people's growth exponentials have depended on what von neumann called designing development rpind above zero-sum trading maps through 3 waves of "millions times more tech brainpower : Moore's engineers of linking in silicon chip valley 95-65; Satellite Data worlkdwiode 5G to 1G (2015-1990), Partners of Jensen Huang's Deep Data Computing & Learning ets Stanford Engineeriing Quadrangle 20102025reprt.com map of 75 years of inteligence versus ignorance -discussion welom chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
That's our open syatem foundations observation. scaling over 75 years since John Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to mediate futures of brainworking through 3 million fold hi-tech waves :Moore's Silicon Valley,*Satellites 1G to 5G Death of Distance mobilising data round earth* Jensens platforms for DEEP LEARNING Data Science aligned to Einstein's 1905 nano-science-Earth revolution. NB Miraculous Transformations In tha last 5 quarters of human endeavor, may we commend projects emerging from 6 summits linkedin by Taiwanese-Americans gravitated by Jensen Huang (Nvidia) and 4 summits living up to King Charles wishes for humanity : Nov 2023 London Turing latest Deep Minds,, May 2024 Korea, Summer 2024 semi-private Japan State Visit to London (Charles 60th Anglo-Japan reunion as 1964 delegate to Tokyo Olympics), December 2024 India's Wadwani AI in DC (with next round of King Charles Series - Macron Paris Feb 2025).. Jensen's health AI meta-collab: Hong Kong Digital Twin 2020s supercity health centres :Tokyo Update Maso Son & Japan Royal LLM everywhere; India's sata socereignty od world largest population with Ambani & Modi; NVidia in DC with eg LOgkhttf Martin ; Taiwan RWins galore eg Fioxconnn extension to foundry for autonomous as well as mobile world; San Jose March 2-24 tenth annual upfate of most joyful parternship tech world has ever generated Over the past year, key international organizations, like the G7, OECD, and Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), have shaped the global AI governance conversation and focused on foundational principles, critical risks, and responsible AI development. Looking ahead to 2025, how are G7 countries and corporations planning to implement AI governance frameworks and address challenges, such as the growing energy demand for AI technologies? Join the Wadhwani AI Center for the International AI Policy: Outlook for 2025 conference. This full-day event will be held at CSIS headquarters on December 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET and will convene leading policymakers, industry experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest international efforts in AI governance. Featuring keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of Japan to the United States, Ambassador Laurent Bili of France to the United States, and Sara Cohen, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada, this conference will highlight key international perspectives in AI governance.

Thursday, December 31, 1970

Could I rehearse the case for connections to Diplomacy AI being the most urgent space advancing community-deep human intelligence in 2025?

rE: Yann LECUN  Discovery briefing 12/17/24 at Bloomberg Johnns Hopkins 555 Penn Avenue.. From what I can see  KIng Charles launch of AI world series was not about govs regulating safety even if the way to get both china and usa to join in Nov 2023 was to invoke safety. Can I ask if you have read Neumann's last words: the boohlet "Computer and the Brain". Neumann wanted his legacy to be maths & engineerng to smarten everyone's brains makimg your algorithm research and open source foundational. 
KING CHARLES: The King delivers a virtual address at the AI Safety Summit 2023
we are witnessing one of the greatest technological leaps in the history of human endeavor the rapid rise of powerful artificial intelligence is considered by many of the greatest thinkers of our age to be no less significant no less important than the discovery of electricity, the splitting of the atom, the creation of the worldwide web or even the harnessing of fire
AI holds the potential to completely transform Life as we know it; to help us better treat and perhaps even cure conditions like cancer heart disease and Alzheimer's to hasten our journey towards net zero and realize a new era of potentially Limitless clean green energy even just to help us make our everyday lives a bit easier
however if we are to realize the untold benefits of AI then we must work together on combating its significant risks; too AI continues to advance with ever greater speed towards models that some predict could surpass human abilities , even human
understanding; there is a clear imperative to to ensure that this rapidly evolving technology remains safe and secure and because AI does not respect International boundaries this Mission demands International coordination and collaboration.
To support this Global effort the United Kingdom is proud to host this Summit in Bletchley Park the birthplace of modern Computing where Alan Turing famously cracked  the Enigma code and laid the foundations for a new digital age. Transitions like the one AI is heralding always presents profound challenges especially in preparing for unintended consequences; it is incumbent on those with responsibility to meet these challenges to protect people's privacy and livelihoods which are essential to both our economic and psychological well-being to secure our democracies from harm and to ensure the benefits of new technology are shared by all. I've always believed in the importance of holding a conversation both within and across societies to address such great challenges of bringing governments in the public sector together with civil society and the private sector in that conversation adhering to the values tenants of faith and laws that we all held so dear. That is how the International Community has sought to tackle climate change to light a path to Net Zero and Safeguard the future of our planet we must similarly address the risks presented by AI with a sense of urgency unity and Collective Strength so on behalf of the United Kingdom I want to thank you all for the vital role you are playing in this shared Endeavor for laying the foundations of a lasting consensus on AI safety and for ensuring that this immensely powerful technology is indeed a Force for good in this world

DIPLOMACY AI 2025's most pivital multidisciplme?  At Hopkins German American OIa Amhrozaite has a magical way of connecting which embassies want to discuss what futures- year 3 of diplomacy ai takes place in spring 2025 with President Rob Daniels support

believed his teenage enployment as navigator allied bomber command  Burma Campaign to be the most unproductive pursuit so he was delighted that JFK, Prince Charles and Japan Emperor were by 1962  the first 3 leaders to see that the tech of Neumann-Einstein-Turing could connect Asia Rising to Western innovation.

Diaries show: Neumann Einstein Turing foresaw the purpose of 3 waces of million times more tech as machnies and devives (eg smart specs) for world-deep brainworning integrated systematically

 thtrfotrn this suggests 21sr C moral sentiments mediators need to openly celebrate combining intelligences 4 multipliers
  • Team Yann Lecun neural network algorithms 4 decade actiuon learning curves
  •  Hassabis ai of natuer science renewing Einstein 1905 energy and bio models
  • Fei-fei li's gets machises to sense and converse human before being autonnomous or being personal edu agents,
  • Huang;s computer architecture and code platforming million times more efficeincy for deep data collabs
My dad www.economistdiary.com/1970 believed his teenage enployment as navigatior allied bomber command  Burma Campaign to be the most unproductive pursuit so he was delghted that JFK Prince Charles and Japan Emperor were by 1962  the first 3 leaders to see tech could connect Asia Rising to Western innovation.
Charles ce,ented this as UK envoy to Tokyo Olympis 1964 frineding Emperor family and inviting Sony's Akio Morita to inward invest in UK. Safly assassination of JFK blocked his goal  to deckare interdependence of USA, Germany, Japan's (triad of regions)
Today, you connect Atlantic consciousness to the pacific intelligence wizards who have advanced miracles in education and health development botably Tariwanese-americams, Singapore-Greek-Brit, Female Chinese-American cultural integration (soon followed by Priscilla Chan's Vietnamese American deep care) . I wonder as India rises if Mts Tandon knoiws Priscilla Chan and Brooklyn's Mrs Clara Wu Tsai and Valley's Mrs Wendy Tan White (she heads goofle's Intrincic and is wife of King Charles Cambridge envoy to the Valley and the AI summit World Series Joe White)

France summit is the most timely of all and ponetially leap forwar with millennials spirit : if it focuses olypics on giving back yout the value chains of celebrtity which they mainly produce as sports, fashions, music and if eg yunus wonen empowerment partnerships firest invented by danbone and hec inn 2005 with yunhus are linkedih (wmmanuel faber is ventral intel of that).


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