As surveyed by the Economist and seceonded by JFKennedy, by 1960 Japan had not only locally rebuilt itself from rubble but was best in world at both borlaug food science on rice and deming qyality scuence - bullet trains, contaiersisation supercitity, undergriounds, microelectronucs, reliable automotives;
this continued but was mayve ending by 1979 for several reasons
it was actually microelectronucs designed out of japan that were main beneficiary of first 15 years of moores law chip 100 fold advancement per decade (before chips were put into computers)
the property bubble was about to explode
ezra vogel's 1979 publication japan as number 1 is even more complete as he knew over 2000 years the easy leapt firward when chinma and japan exchnaged knowledge; this happened culturally many times over 2 millenial and was hapening now as japan engineers trained chian's at tsinghua
Uts of interest to note where china freed corporations for the first time to do what state enterprise could not
rural village social busienss networks especially those needed by china's barefoot medics and rice farmers
taiwanese inward investurs wherever they brough infrastructuire or capotal
The Content list of Ezra's book read
1 Challenge as A Mirror fir America
2 The Japanese Miracle
3 Successes 1/7 Knowledge: Pursuit & Consensus'
4 2/7 State : Meritocratic Guidance & Private Initiative
5 3/7 Politics: Higher Interests & Fair Shares
6 4/7 The Large Company : Identification & Performance
7 5/7 Basic education: qualuty & equality
8 6/7 Welfare security without entitlement
9 7/7 Crime Control : Enforcement & Public Support
10 American Response - Can a Western Nation Learn from the East
What I am not clear whether Ezra saw was Taiwan would inherit Japan's role as 1000 fold more tech from moores law 1980 expoenetially accelerated to quintillion times more
moores law*satellites mobilsation of death of disrance data clouds* jensens law