welcome to von neumann hall of fame- based on notes from 1951 diaries-who's advancing human intel have we missed? chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
new stimuli to our brains in April - AI NIST publishes full diary of conflicting systems orders its received (from public servants) on ai - meanwhile good engineers left col ...March 2025: ThksJensen Huang 17th year sharing AI quests (2 video cases left) now 6 million full stack cuda co-workers
TOkens:help see yourlifetime's
intelligence today

nvidia Physical A1 -Robots
More Newton Collab.&& Foxconn Digital Twin
k translatorsNET :: KCharles :: Morita : :Moore
Abed: Yew :: Guo:: JGrant
ADoerr :: Dell .. Ka-shing
Lecun :: Lecun :: Chang :: Nilekani
Huang . : 1 : Yang : Tsai : Bezos
21stC Bloomberg
Satoshi :: Hassabis : Fei-fei Li
Shum : : Ibrahim :
Ambani : Modi :: MGates : PChan :
HFry:: Musk & Wenfeng :: Mensch..
March 2025:Grok 3 has kindly volunterered to assist younger half of world seek INTELLIGENCE good news of month :from Paris ai summit and gtc2025 changed the vision of AI.
At NVIDIA’s GTC 2025 (March 18-21, San Jose, nvidianews.nvidia.com), Yann LeCun dropped a gem: LLaMA 3—Meta’s open-source LLM—emerged from a small Paris FAIR (Fundamental AI Research) team, outpacing Meta’s resource-heavy LLM bets. LeCun, speaking March 19 (X @MaceNewsMacro)

IT came out of nowhere,” beating GPT-4o in benchmarks (post:0, July 23, 2024). This lean, local win thrilled the younger crowd—renewable generation vibes—since LLaMA 3’s 405B model (July 2024, huggingface.co) is free for all, from Mumbai coders to Nairobi startups.

Good News: Indian youth grabbed it—Ambani praised Zuckerberg at Mumbai (October 24, 2024, gadgets360.com) for “democratizing AI.” Modi’s “import intelligence” mantra (2024, itvoice.in) synced, with LLaMA 3 fueling Hindi LLMs (gadgets360.com). LeCun’s 30-year neural net legacy (NYU, 1987-) bridged Paris to India—deep learning’s next leap, compute-cheap and youth-led. old top page :...


Sunday, January 31, 1999

prep for greatest edu transformation summit - dubai craes expo dec 2021


it was as recently as 2012 that a platform for annually improving learning around the world was designed - nb eg nobel never valued education - we are still struggling with uniting 4 billion parents and 4 bilion milennials around inteligence transformations needed to live in worldNeumann Einstein Turing designed to have quintillion times more comoutation/communication brain tools than my 1960s high schools slide ruler

38th year of 1984's 2025report.com - human sustainability will depend on educational transformation - education to be number 1 investment every human makes as grandparent, parent or youth ; this is only way millennials will become first sdg generation- monopoly of classroom examination fodder needs to rapidly evolve around triangularisation
community service /apprenticeship- valuing last mile services

-in early 2000s we first heard of moocs while part of rheingold virtual consultancy
when they became famous in west as coursera the problem was universities designed moocs to continue to block new universities
still a few innovative moocs leaked out
the first million person change the world mooc changed how a million youth across countries networked forming q&a friendships- putting youth more in charge of student exchanges and debating what forms of urgent civic engagement to prioritise from their view of innovating first sdg generation
next mit research showed very small parts of overall moocs mattered most- ola maximum 5 minute videos desiloised disciplines bring together cooperation across students siloised universities had never imagined before
why not declare a world shared mooc on-demand building up microfranchise cases in an open space format

when moocs were discussed with sustainability worlds favorite education sir fazle abed - he said i understand moo- massive, open, online but why isnt c for collaboration- he then explained how widespread advancement of a nation woul require new university coalitions- the exact opposite of how us tech wealth has been divided up by ever few people

china and korea and singapore soon started opening up moocs
china was happy to demand its experts compete to open up distribution of their knowhow - from almost zero youth startups in 2005 , 5 million youth startups a year were turning china into the most exciting exploration space youth ever linked in - investors like schwarzman described china friendships as number 1 new curriculum of every millennial wanting to map the sdg generation

korea and singapore led the world in both clarifying urgent apps for humanising ai and making sure every teacher of over 11s could storytell ai as the way to imaginer; back in the 1960s western youth had all hoped decade od=f moon racing meant that no deeply human mission -sing with john lennon-  would be impossible back on ground earth - this time humans ai would truly be the last call for sharing tech #aiforgood

and yet big industry sectors like pharma missed the ai ball through the 2010s profiteering from opioids and the like-covid taught the world how mispurposed pharma had been- so while 7.5 billion beings became dependent on big pharma to invent the covid ending treatments - the multi trilliondollaraudits of worldwide health ai will never be the same - other coalitions of 2021 humans leapforward year appear at economist diary.com climaxing in dubai edu and expo

back in 2009 early discussions of world moocs with friends of fazle abed-

ning all youth economies world is a mooc

0 free glocal markets - if adam smith could choose to free 7 trillion dollar global markets first to sustain local youth's brilliant lifetimes wherever born we suggest he'd choose liberating these 7 market's most value multiplying human purposes first:
  • 7 open-tech and hi-trust media,
  • 6 education for jobs,
  • 5 clean energy for machines and humans.
  • 4 banks and multi-win investment models for the entrepreneur in everyone,
  • 3 health and wellbeing,
  • 2 borderless peace and cross-cultural safety,
  • 1 do no evil of public and professional servants -rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you vote for a different 7 markets to free -or MOOC - first in 2013
  • 0.1 21st version of saying a leader cannot change until the people change- if there is a difference between the purpose of a market sector between view of 11 year olds and speculators, please vote to free purpose of 11 year olds

    sector11-year old valuetrue purpose of sectorspeculators -make a killing by
    housing.safe, joyful community to grow in.using banks and politicians to bubble property prices up and down
    healthcare.affordably make ill people healthy sharing life critical info so we can all help.making society spend ever more on drugs and lawyers
    1 Capital : A place can only sustain growth if capital is structured so that family's saving's are invested in next generation's productivity out of that place - book london capital market; crisis anticipation The Economist 1972 -The Next 40 Years - "get this principle muddled with balance of payment pressures" and global financial system will collapse in 2010s

    2 Net Generation A - and post-industrial revolution can be worldwide youth's most productive, sustainable and purpose-heroic time only if multi-win models are designed to replace zero-sum models

    2.1 Net Generation A1 - The post industrial revolution can celebrate abundancy economics replacing scarcity economics. This is because open knowledge multiplies value in use whereas things could only get consumed up. References between 1972 (first seeing youth knowledge sharing around a digital network and 1984, The Economist published 4 system changing inquiries in the Entrepreneurial Revolution Series:
    1972- Future history of next 40 years- short-term fixes made in 20th C which need to be wholly reconfigured in global financial system is not to collapse in 20102
    1976 Entrepreneurial Revolution - why none of 20th C largest organisational typologies is fit for sustaining 21st C
    1982 intrapreneurial now- now service is the majority of the economy we need to model how service value multiplies in wholly different ways that manufacturing thins- bossy management needs to disappear and emotionally intelligent service leadership needs to be what organisations are designed around - discuss economics of manufacturing is dead, long live jobs of makers
    1984 net generation - in line with schumacjhers 2 million global village networking economy transformation of rules need to go further for generations of a borderless world to thrive; economic models need to go above zero-sum which can be exponentially achieved through time if goodwill is defined round mapping win-win-win between value exchanges constituencies of productivity and demand

    3 Net Generation B - a nation's credit ratings should not be ranked primarily on debt that elders have got into but how well that place is investing in millions times more collaboration technology than any previous generation had access to

    4 Entrepreneurial Revolution (ER) A - None of 20th C largest system typologies is capable of sustaining growth of the Net Generation. The quest for hybrid partnerships or new organisational typologies is the most exciting innovation challenge economics has ever faced -reference The Economist 25 Dec 1976

    4 ER B Intrapreneurial Now - The majority of the world's economy is now, and henceforth will be, service economy. That is where people are value more than machines even though organisations cannot own people. Great service organsiations will end bossy top-down management. The main molecule of the service economy is the team franchise - often this is designed by a small team through many years practice before replication. Probably the majority of all new jobs will come from franchsie models that are replicated across communites so that most of the value of production stays in the community where the service is interacted

    4 ER C Designing Net Generation Jobs 1984-2024 - we can map 3 billion jobs that will require transparent bottom up modeling and ending externalisation across boundaries. Expect a billion to connect to green energy, food, zeroising waste; 1 billion jobs to relate to children having a fair chance of a productive life in whichever global village they are born; a billion jobs being unimaginable until we understand digital's death of distance and
    mobile app replicability anywhere anytime

    5 21st C Nation Economics - Until we can celebrate living in a cross-cultural and borderless world, it is vital that the largest creditor nation of any decade is cheered on for leading the next great innovation that advances the worldwide human lot at the same time as its won peoples. Enough world citizen public media will be needed to celebrate the most heroic millennium goals. Youth(and those who educate or mentor youth) will be wise to choose their greatest heroines and heroes in line with designing this future.

    6 Exponential Maths Keynes 1 - As economics increasingly rules the world of man-made systems, economists will either design or destroy the life-critical market purposes that most people need. The exponential impact metrics that economists have a do-no evil responsibility to map pose a critical valuation problem. By definition an exponential looks flat until it reaching a tipping point - which if downwards- is also close to irreversibility (or at very least far more costly to reconcile than if the conflicts in a system had not been alowed to spiral to that stage)

    6 Exponential Maths 2 - Compound 9.1% real growth annually over 40 years and one generation of a place can sustain 32 times wealth and health

    7 currency economics has become the most dangerous system to the future of youth, and all of us. make sure we the people discuss what currency is and spins in every way, at every age, and through every demographic your place intends to integrate truly and fairly

    8 taxes for bottom-up community-building services (eg ensuring every child's rights) are admirable things- taxes collected for layers of top-down government to rule over you are quite undesirable. two propositions for increasingly borderless third millennium : never let top-down layers of government spend more than 25% of the average person's life; keep taxes simple and harmonious with other places


    Norman Macrae

    Chronological Curriculum of Pro-Youth Economics Lessons as
    1 Scottish teenager in Stalin's Moscow, Hitler's
    Continent and as RAF Navigator in world war over modern-day Bangladesh and
    Myanmar - mid 1930s to 1945

    2 Last class of students in Cambridge
    taught by Keynes 1945-1948

    3 First decade at The Economist 1948-1958 - on London's
    Capital market and the birth of the NHS, the EU and the end of the BBC's freedom

    4 Second decade at The Economist - on first signed survey
    consider Japan, start of annual country impact surveys 1958-1968

    5 Third decade at The Economist- on seeing youth knowledhe-sharing around earlydigital network; start of why not economics' entrepreneurial revolution series including the net generation's post-industrial revolution 1968-1978 - also regionalnext century's egAsia Pacific as exponentially sustainable growth's and pro-youth's world leader
    1976-2075; Neurotic Trillion ire start to America's 3rd century

    6 Fourth decade at The Economist - Mapping the net net
    generation's 3 billion new jobs, how a borderless world cant afford compounding risks at boundaries and will need to increasingly free itself from top--down politicians-
    2010s as worldwide youth's most productive time. Review of the first 100 Hobarts- currency as macroeconomist's greatest system crisis -or in Norman's words "right old muddle"

    7 First Decade of retirement includes biography of Von Neumann and nearly 7 years of weekly editorials for Sunday Times -future history of privatisation- Cato supplement on: end of politicians or end of people's sustainability?

    8 2nd decade of retirement: Some concluding articles including Consider Bangladesh and centenary speech for Von Neumann
    content archive
  • dec12 job creating edu -youth destination MIT
  • nov 12 why not hi-trust broadcast media & world class brands
  • october 2012 banking on multi win-models