Upd EU exercise Feb 2025 https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20250221-why-paris-annual-agriculture-show-big-deal-france-farmers-salon-d-agriculture discuss how EU agriculture policy ended EU unique purpose (Conception Messina 1955) as uniting nations in peace - eg food tarifs ended med sea colonies chance to develop with the european empires that had exctracred feom them up to ww2 - optional extra: discuss how med became 2020s sea of refugees; amd/or how back 2000 yaers ago the landbridge to the tricontients gave birth (or at some stage comsolidated foundation models) of most of golden rule religions
In comjunction with AI20s.com we'll keep asking who are the intelligence in 2020s matching Borlaug (the first open intellihence net saving billions of lves from starvation after ww2) - oue all time fav innovator of last mile food science for humanity and memoralised by annual lauretaes of FoodPrize
come back soon for more detail -or eg search emanuel faber's latest ai social business impacts (former ceo danone - europe main milk and water human investment infrastructure - in 2005 fanone brainstirmed what became muhammad yunus nobel speech in 2006 - see also glasgow ynuversity journal od social businees started as yunus 70th birtday present from adam smith scholars and our aild ally the French)
overview our rough understanding from end of world war2 borlaug's mexican-us research saved up to a billion peopl from starvation; his chnage in sytems applies to almsot any crop's seed science -he'd begun with wheat
\am i correct in yjomnking that borlaug's revolutions in crop sciemc began with trials on wheat oiut of his mexican field lab?
Yes, you're absolutely correct. Norman Borlaug's groundbreaking work on the Green Revolution began with his experiments on wheat in Mexico.
Can you tell me which crops did borlaug personally expereiment with and which were inspired by his green revolution but primartily led out of different hemispheres by other partnering researchers- eg overall my understanding is rixe has prevented more people from straving than any other crop- did norlaug actually start rice science research
Your understanding is largely correct. While Norman Borlaug is primarily credited with revolutionizing wheat production, his work inspired similar efforts in other crops, especially rice.
Borlaug's personal experiments were primarily focused on wheat. He developed high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat varieties that were instrumental in the Green Revolution.
Rice, in particular, became a significant focus of the Green Revolution in Asia.
It's accurate that rice has prevented more people from starving than any other crop. Its widespread cultivation and consumption in Asia, a region with a large population, have made it a vital component of global food security.