INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
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;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

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lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Friday, December 31, 2004

goal 4 - compendium 2004 best ever education interventions

TRANSPARENCY NOTE -Back in 1983, The Economist's 33rd year alumni of von neumann daialogues scribbled future history genre 2025 report- core hypothesis sustainabikity of milennials would depend on total tarsnfromation of education system blening real , virtual  and  both - ie not just transformer models for deep computer amalyst chats but for direct between human brains too - see aR/vR Reality summit in DC last month on how children of all ages will boost iqs by 75 provied every member of a class including teacher weras smart specs 

Bangladedsh from 1971 is nation who's 1.0 version was built on education - more precisely action learning for a living

the system became circular but followed what you may thinks is an odd ortder

A first livelihood learning for vialge mothers - specifically small business franchsixes they could consistently make small profit from while delivering life saving value - eg rice production, doordash of most basic meds (one village mother would walk round 300 homes weekly)- over time these women became para-health networkers- they'd know who had which solutions and help with nationwide vaccination  campaigns;

.ed A up to 6
Pre-school labs was first entirely new R&D of Brac Univerity from mid 200s fiorst; Lego became a major first partner; refugee emergency schools accelerated both with Rohunga bangaldewsh and when Qatar firt lady awarded Abed first Global education laureate przize - qataer's 40 nations sharing refugee learning is bemchmark of that kind of education
ed B 6 to 11.
Primary Schools designed from 1982- largest non gov scholling stystem within decade

sunita gandhi  at worlds largest school lucknow celebrated year 50 of her parents school launching 90 day intervention - end illiteraccy at any age; technically this involves 90 by 2- minute sessions of coaching; this is typical of a system where teachers look for intervenytion soilutions where a chiold manace to develop a skill- thats an oposite sustem to one to progressively fail more and more people tjhrough every grade building one top elite
C11 to Livelihood start.
Bangladesh from late80s informal at first what livelihods did 12+ need (together with secondary scholarships to state syste)

12=girls peer to peer health learning system began informally

it is liklely that 2020s promise of raise your iq by 75 in classes of smarts specs will celebrate leaps by teens and those designing entrepreneuyrial livelihoods from teens up at least in thise countries wanting 100% productive people
D Brac Uni with James Grant College of Public Health
began 2001 join venture with steve jovbs and other support Valley tech families.
E livelihood adult
1972 Bangladesh edu sustem begins with learning living - bvilage mnoters microfranchise busienses match ung life criticla community demands- first main reserach lab of brac univbersity; idea had been piklorted in bangaldesh but this lab with partners such as wortld bak has tested brac ultra in 50 countries and won nobel for profs at MIT pverty lab co-sponsored by Abdul Latif (middle east Toyota Franchise0

Nvidia's Deep Learning Institute

B about 10 years (circa 1983) after birth of nation sufficient vilage mothers had capability to teach primary in village schools mixing all ages from 6 to 12 (not unlike montesorri but actually paulo freire- there was huge concern where 12 years olds would bridge community with their previoius schooling)

C girls clus for 12 plus - some were trained in eg hairdressing or arts for clotheses design or first aid together with maternal health for a year or two   two; others might shadow a para healthworked and eventiually get a scholarship to a nursing colege

D next came a university- this came about 30 yeras after the start of rural vilage devemlopment- steve jobs family had hosted 65th birthday party of fazle abed who had linked in most vilage solutions with muhammad yunus the secind greatest entrepreneurial livelihoods creator in s asian hoistiry' jobs convenced abed that if he started a university he jobs would sonn put a university in a mobile phone and female graduates would want to share both jobs inteligence and village womens sdg intelligence; 

the university also connected new research voted for by bottom billion vilage mothers:A  ultra povertygrants became so successful in many countries that they motivated a nobel economics citation for poverty labs in rich universities, the james grant school of public health embedded in brac university and merged wuth thge country's chikera lab became a top 7 medical network ; abed had also designed worlds best end tuberculosis in vilage silution needed by bush's globalk fund which had linked abed jim kim paul farmer soros bill gates and others

E play schools 3-6 or in refugee situations any age as having a group sopace where kids see peoples being kind to each other is the hgateway to wanting more education

please tell us if you have a replicable solutuio and where it fits in Education ABCDE


one of most excitong areas of co-creation is whole mjissinmg curricula

for over decade lancet have said biggest missing currisula is peer to peer health pre-teen age10 up ;where each yera needs to learn next chalenges from a yera bove

in recent times one other curriculum has become top - this is ai for all ages - the msartest curricula on ai have come from 2 oposiyte sourecs- where a nation forts asked teachers from kindergarten up to develop a quiz grade by grade - tghink of this as 21st cv current tech affairs; it was vital tecahers were positively inspirted for the whole education of child 6 to 16 up as coding tech is a practice curriculum -development rickstars - even more so that sports stars

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