Which of these 20+ Womewn Intelligences do you linkin? Mrs Nurjahan Begum, Sheika Moza, Anne Doerr, Condi Rice, Mrs Steve Jobs, Melinda Gates, Mrs Jerry Yang, Mrs David Filo, Ms Reeta Roy, Ms Daphne Koller, Ms Jennifer Doudna, Ms Lila Ibrahim Mrs Huang, Fei-Fei Li, Mrs Tsai, Mrs Wendy Tan White, Mrs Priscilla Chan Ms BJ King, Ms Alyson Felix, Ms Leveccky, Ms Aja Wilson Ms Naomi Osaka
Statistically it is highly likely there world be less wars (violence, and other bad stuff) if women enjoyed as much power (investent decision making etc) as men
Anyway it has now been dominstrated over half a century that the greatest economic challenge - development of very poorest in 1970 - has solutions entrepreurially achieved across much of continental asia. This began with the redevelopment of Japan -the most advanced engineering place which also fully committed to America's plan in accepting defeat 1945- see this bio of emperor hirohito; in the 1950s Japan appliued primarily 2 intellihence systems from Amerucan crop science from Borlaug, quality engineering from deming. Crop science was an immediate win-win wherever it was open sourced. This chart (happiest in the world according to the economist) shows that small farm holders u=in japan could be 10 or even 50 times more productive with rice (main local solution of end starvation) than poorest asian nations.
What had happebed (verified by JFK Kennedy 1962) is the engieering inteligence and shipping trade (eg containerisation) was what Korea S, Taiwan, Hong Kong Singapore needed to develop . By 1970 the question was what was needed to extend this across continent asia. See review of proigress The Economist: half of peiople East of Iran.
However while these positive maps provided clues, there were other challenges to solve in the tropics an inland where life expectabcy was in the low 40s becuase most infants died of challenges like diarrhea which is a killer disease in humid places without acceess to clean water.
3 men coordinated open inteligence that 1) helped raise life expectanch from low 40s to 60s (which is an essential advance for women to incvest in livelihoods not just cultures of family rearing):
former regional ceo Royal Dutch Shell Fazle Abed
A reforemd macroeconomics profesoor Muhammay Yunus
James Grant head of UNICEF for almost 2 decades whose faimly had been missionaries in China
There solutiuons are simple to catalogur - abour=t 40 businesses that vilage motherds could franchise, and achieve positive csh flow however small- perhaps growing rice for 250 local people (a businees which at its peak had millions of franchisees)
perhaps door to door weekly supply of most basic medicines and health aids which bran became whosaler tro bangladesh vilage women of
The solutionns Bangladesh peonered were swapped with sometime more sadvanced solutions chinese villagers progressed (through to early 1990s there were over half a billion villagers without access to electricity in china compared with about 100 million in bangladesh0. China gained from 2 extraordinary things:
businesses hadnt been alowed to be owned by people in china until 1976 when it was decided 2 kinds if non state businesses ciuykd begin: poorest vilagers; inward investrors amoings diaspora chinese
the other remarkablt thing- the chinese committed to 1 child policy- this had 2 extrordinary dynamics women now had time to do productive things other than rear children; half of all failies depended on 20 somthing women (the education leaps made each decade meant that across china it was understood that 20 year olds by the 190s were smarter than 45 yrars oilds were smarter than 709 year olds.
what happebned uin 2001 is amazing; mr and mrs steve jobs hosted a celebration of fazle abed to understand intel women vilagers had grassoot netwoeked over 30 years and co-create fazle abed's wish for millenials and mobile design- this became Steve Jobs last decade of innovation and Abed' wish to the valley was to see as man female enginbeering professors edge intelligebce as men ; these 20 Valley=y linked women are proof of concept; of course there are many more but female deep learning maps criss-crs=oses aroungd these women; moreove 24-25 is a crucial year for
Banglsdesh see 75 day roadmap of Bangla 2.0 Muhammad Yunus has been asked to co-pilot
the un is in its 10th yesr of connectio=ng AIforgood with gov2.0 - in terms of edgiest solutions the llm un needs fir sdg ai will be able to learn from Bangla llm can inform the AI world series summut that up to 30 NAIRRS are reviewing- next stop King Charles and Macron relay Paris 2025 which is also where Yunus has been helping redesign olympics since 2012 so that younger half of world own more of celebriuty vale chains (dashions arts soirts) which they 90% produce