Chris Macrae MA DAMTP CantabChris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab • You • YouDC-CI is all we need. world where one interview each week changes every intelligent possibility -eg 555 penn ave 9 August or axios sustainability AI 23 july or ZuHu is all we need. world where one interview each week changes every intelligent possibility -eg 555 penn ave 9 August or axios sustainability AI 23 july or ZuHu • 48 minutes ago
Some questions to Parisians - is there a mayors and citizens group we can all join so that the best of Paris comes to LA and Milan and everywhere. I noted the 3 days before the Olympics starred Muhammad Yunus on sports mediating community goals between business, society and generating future trust. Yunis has gone home to one of the most difficult "new jobs" in the world - gov2.0 future of women empowerment and of Bangladesh as nation with nearly 200 million mouths to feed . I'd love to post any intelligent twin solutions at - across the Atlantic we've entered last 40 days on what futures are left to millennials to generate with UN. According to France started to change Yunus world of social business when HEC and Danone's Riboud & Faber celebrated each others visions ...
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