This started as prep with 40 nations arts youth on the elipse outside white house july4th week 2015; its twin peaks - in west sept 2016 emerged of digital cooperation and UN2 thanks to educators demanding un hq newyotk connect tech world health and trade all in geneva - see updates in 2022 at
it oriental peak in beijing's WABC nov 2016 where hosted by wise women alumni
West Asia (qatar then also un hub of refugee education and first lady sheika moza's women's education campus
Brac alumni - fazle abed had been wise's forst laureate and its first text boo (a charming feature of the nobels of educarion is producing a guidebook to their leauree's learning curve)
Beinjing's suburb of entrepreneurial revolution is aboy 50 times largest student campus intersection than mit's square mile- at least 3 university campus intersect engineering's tsinghua; worldwide culture's peking; the nation's own beihing normal; it got positively impacyed by jack ma for at elast 2 reasons I have found- he was elected to lead the nations top entrepreeur club which turns out to be the richest founders who atre in it for the greatest purpose their sector can serve not the money per se- nobody quite rivals ma s dual purpose- youth's favorite english teacher and most asian youths favorite guide to web1-3; it turned out that a wonderul lady called lowrey apprentices as one of china's barefoot medics, got a degree in marketing and went to usa to support small enetreprise for nearly 30 years; came back to beihjing to find tsinghua did not have a curriculum of tech smes and was told to both deliver that and become jack ma and jerry yangs bo=iograpoher from 1995 when ma met amazon something that neither he nor yang valued as much as the web connecting youth's future elasrning and livelihoods
so what else happened
attended goal 2 launch food sept 2015 unga ny led by an Irish poet and prime minister
adopted a chinese student who went round all sorts of sdg events and became an apprentice of harrison own's open space - started in 1984 usa- now in 100 countries with china becoming the bext community areconcilation apliers of OST
winsdor casrle reconciliation retreat where I met Denis the crusader for tech can save the un and health
at the vatican university attending poremi sciaca- I had made 2105 my year of searching whether any usa university would change its curriculum in line with franciscan networks and sdgs (the pope making his north east coast tour to celebrate teh sdgs and philidelphia family's and washington dc cathoilc university - living near this i hoped it would change its curricula towards franciscans but was bitterly disappointed that like all us big catholic universities jesuits ruled (they believe the world oreder powers over the poorest not empowers them to end poverty) but then the stiry of how st francis rocked humanity making the 13y=th c med sea the happiest trading caostline europe would ever see has a lot of twists and turns
back to march - brroking 2016 what did gordon briwn year 1 review chair of goal 4 thinks of news from brac and abeds 80th birthday party; abeds 80th birthady pary april 2016 with 2 chiense graduates dedicated to worldwide woemn empowerment freindshisp
asking abed was brac uni founded on 2001 inspire by need to reconcile world citiznes post 9/11
j=how sept 2016 at first yera un review - abeians discovering the gaol was more green wash started digital copperation - thank goodness for francsican jim kim and antnio guterres and 4 guest stars in developing un2 frameowrk - jack ma and melinda gares already working with abed on worlds largest cashless bnk bkash
houlin magical 8 years connections of the ITU 2015-2022
unctads leadership by Kemyan
of course buried in all of this were health workers faremr kim abed who brillaint - after all brac usinversity had been designed by epidemiologsist and its lead colege james grant public health memorised the first UN person to recognise abed's girls empowerments solution -that save q2uarter of infants from dying in tropical asia namely oral rehydration and nation-wide vaciamtion
BRAC and fans can return to 1972-1980
have a a look at marha's chens' quiet revolution (martha's still women empowermemt's jewel in harvard's asian crown 0 - the birth of brac's first 7 yeras and how her family, aned's family and hja,es garnant united a billion vilage mothers of wabc starting with goals 1,23 wherever bangaldesh and chinese mothers living in tropical vilages cooperated in serving the most basic needs of quarter of the world's humans 1972 - 1984 - see also economist survey during this time perion at father's online library
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