.IN SEARCH OF INTELLIGENCE unites families advancing next generation's life on earth.. Spring 2025, Wash DC, chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk ; linkedin UNwomens::: 2025Reporter Club
Over 60% of people depend on pacific trades. Because of Western era of Empire, Pacific people's growth exponentials have depended on what von neumann called designing development rpind above zero-sum trading maps through 3 waves of "millions times more tech brainpower : Moore's engineers of linking in silicon chip valley 95-65; Satellite Data worlkdwiode 5G to 1G (2015-1990), Partners of Jensen Huang's Deep Data Computing & Learning ets Stanford Engineeriing Quadrangle 20102025reprt.com map of 75 years of inteligence versus ignorance -discussion welom chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
That's our open syatem foundations observation. scaling over 75 years since John Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to mediate futures of brainworking through 3 million fold hi-tech waves :Moore's Silicon Valley,*Satellites 1G to 5G Death of Distance mobilising data round earth* Jensens platforms for DEEP LEARNING Data Science aligned to Einstein's 1905 nano-science-Earth revolution. NB Miraculous Transformations In tha last 5 quarters of human endeavor, may we commend projects emerging from 6 summits linkedin by Taiwanese-Americans gravitated by Jensen Huang (Nvidia) and 4 summits living up to King Charles wishes for humanity : Nov 2023 London Turing latest Deep Minds,, May 2024 Korea, Summer 2024 semi-private Japan State Visit to London (Charles 60th Anglo-Japan reunion as 1964 delegate to Tokyo Olympics), December 2024 India's Wadwani AI in DC (with next round of King Charles Series - Macron Paris Feb 2025).. Jensen's health AI meta-collab: Hong Kong Digital Twin 2020s supercity health centres :Tokyo Update Maso Son & Japan Royal LLM everywhere; India's sata socereignty od world largest population with Ambani & Modi; NVidia in DC with eg LOgkhttf Martin ; Taiwan RWins galore eg Fioxconnn extension to foundry for autonomous as well as mobile world; San Jose March 2-24 tenth annual upfate of most joyful parternship tech world has ever generated Over the past year, key international organizations, like the G7, OECD, and Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), have shaped the global AI governance conversation and focused on foundational principles, critical risks, and responsible AI development. Looking ahead to 2025, how are G7 countries and corporations planning to implement AI governance frameworks and address challenges, such as the growing energy demand for AI technologies? Join the Wadhwani AI Center for the International AI Policy: Outlook for 2025 conference. This full-day event will be held at CSIS headquarters on December 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET and will convene leading policymakers, industry experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest international efforts in AI governance. Featuring keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of Japan to the United States, Ambassador Laurent Bili of France to the United States, and Sara Cohen, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada, this conference will highlight key international perspectives in AI governance.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Why wouldn’t parents want young people to collaborate in designing the most beautiful century there has ever been? Are we afraid of the need to contrast the future with all the ways the 20th C became so ugly.
Notably, every parent needs to face this inconvenient truth- the 20th century became one of big get bigger by warring over carbon energy and then addicting our own people to consuming things. What the world needs now is everyone asking: how nature and education can develop peoples skills? and then how can the peoples redesign banking and economics to support nature and education??
2016 sees humanity spending 1000 times more on universally connecting LearningtTech than 1946 so the games of world record job creation are ready and waiting. But are you?
This next week is extremely exciting for young searchers of world record job creators as 10 national leaders from S.E.N hemispheres mediated by China are playing the game –of what’s the best for the future world our place can linkin with yours. Ref BRICS2017 eg goto yoytube.com search CGTN BRICS
June was very exciting because 80 national delegations played the game out of the most ecological half million person island in the world Jejeu. And Jejeu’s Governor Won (seconded by Korea’s leader President Jae-in) declared whatever other good things you 80 nations networks co-create, we are launching green big bang club for 2000 place governors to benchmark the race to thriving carbon zero societies of half million peoples. Ref AIIB 2017 and economistkorea.com
May was very exciting because 30 national leaders plus the 3 biggest multilateral investment fund played the game in Beijing and agreed to make it a biannual celebration Belt Road 2017
Journalistsforhumanity.com invites youth reporters to co-blog with us- how does your country want nature and education to develop its people – what help and what assistance can your country give to compatible countries on a win-win orbit with yours
Contact chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you are happy to cooperatively blog for your country within www.aiibnews.com
Do G7 and EU leaders understand the tipping point they have taken the developed West to? With so much urgent work that need to be done on sustainability, any macroeconomic policy of youth underemployment is wrong or bad or both.
Another worldwide consequence of the ugly 20ty century is the world’s 8 richest men own more than half the world’s (poorest) people. 
UniversityofStars Garan : Astronaut Ron Garan muses ; why do humans find worldwide collaboration so difficult. You only have to look out of the window of a spaceship to see both how abundant and fragile Mother Earth is becoming now that man’s technology is rivaling her scale. She still decides which species to value.
Relentless transparency of reporting is needed. Ultimately we global villagers of mother earth are only just beginning to map market value chains in transparent ways tgo understand real costs and exponential risks. We only just got the mobile technology to track every link of a supply chain. In the first 30 years of globalsiation only Big Data Big analysis was done. Now we have one Global2.0 shot at Big Data Small mapping the 21st around innovating lovely ideas which mobilize 1000 times more open LearningTech inspires. Lets integrate the 17 Sustainability Development Goals or better yet join in a selct handful of Big Bang Races which will determine whether youth are free to be the sustainability generation.
Can we all use media to help each other how parents and children’s dream  will be designed around:  how nature and education develop peoples skills and the peoples redesign banking and economics to support nature and education!
Youth ambassadors/friendship exchanges wanted! Lets hypothesis (entrepreneurial revolution debates available since 1984) that almost all of the next 3 billion new jobs will have embedded in it renewal of planet around green, or community or win-win trade blending best of digital and real trust-flows –in some cases interactions of all 3 of these value multipliers
We recommend Youth all over the world make friends with China since the start of the 21st c has been huddling in different clusters of nations asking how can each other map the most beautiful futures by developing peoples
If you search hard enough there are at least 15 different cluster maps Chinese place leaders are now in the middle of hosting – so every country’s youth and elders have a chance to experiment in win-win trades in clusters as well as discuss with china direct.
Have you the good fortune to have heard of a chinese guy called Jack Ma. He values the freedom to learn the English language like nobody else because he spent his first 30 years as a young tour guide whose only known skills were boundless curiosity and the learning and teaching of English. Then after his first visist 1994 to USA, he dedicated himself to turning the world wide web into the number 1 jobs economy albeit with Chinese villages (taobaos) his most natural lab. Jack Ma’s vision is that by 2025 there will be 5 markets all as exciting as China’s is today in terms of asking how do you want to develop. One of these is youths virtual platform of of SMEs which was launched China G20 2016 with the rather nerdy acronym EWTP (Electronic World Trade Platform). One is China (because China is being kind enough to reinvest its trade surplus in celebrating rejuvenation of trade everywhere peoples want that. The other three are up for places to choose how they linkin as having interests that have some similar unique development context which the world og win-win trades would miss if they didn’t exist. Through 2017-2021 we expect Jack Ma to be the 2nd most collaborative jobs creator in the world- though we are always asking under 30s for their votes – more at erworld.tv and alibabauni.com

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