As astronaut Ron Garan asks here, and gurus as old as Einstein 1 2 have implored humans let's try economics and education cooperation around young people-special thanks to
- Xi Jinping for hosting 13 world trade investors and culturally inspiring maps of sustainability Belt Road 2 summit Beijing April 2019,
- Guterres for demanding digital's most humanly brilliant intelligences issue DigitalCooperation 1 2 report March 2019 -jack ma and melinda gates are 2 contributors to the report being coordinated by those whose experience includes how fast artificial intelligence is moving in
- Jack Ma for returning full time to education september 2019- and world's number 1 educator, and sponsoring a year of Japan leading the world in celebrations of human spirit
- The world's most inspiring educator: sir fazle abed for 46 years of empowering girls to renew sustainability of communities.
\Why Now- well the world has changed since 1946- as TheEconomist mediators of Entrepreneuruial Revolutiio since 1960s have timelined we now have 1000 times moore communications tech than 1946 to collaborate/app vital solutions diversely fitting every community most urgent sustainability demands. Have a look at some of these surveys going all the way back to 1962- when Japan started to redesign world trade routes between east and west which start to roll bank the zero sum consequences of the English Empires colonisation of Asia's South and East
===========more on UN
this years 18-19 general assembly to be led by Ms Espinosa of Ecuador - she is making gender equality top of her year; she is friend of rosalia arteaga formrd president of ecuador and host of the first review of unhabitat goals out of quito- the new head of unhabitat is former female mayor of penang
researchers around jack ma would like to understand all best connections to sustainable womens empowerment in addition to research they are already doing with brac and bangladesh womens empowerment one of whose main female funder is the ceo of mastercard foundation in canada
guterres has asked melinda gates and jack ma to head report on digital cooperation in time for circulation at belt road 2 summit beijing spring 2019
if you have a team member who wants more direct details eg with jack ma researchers or sir fazle abed please ask them to contact me
thanks chris
youth blog on jack ma changing world
dc 1 240 316 8157 thanks AmyChina QuarterBillionGirls
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