welcome to von neumann hall of fame- based on notes from 1951 diaries-who's advancing human intel have we missed? chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
new stimuli to our brains in April - AI NIST publishes full diary of conflicting systems orders its received (from public servants) on ai - meanwhile good engineers left col ...March 2025: ThksJensen Huang 17th year sharing AI quests (2 video cases left) now 6 million full stack cuda co-workers
TOkens:help see yourlifetime's
intelligence today

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k translatorsNET :: KCharles :: Morita : :Moore
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ADoerr :: Dell .. Ka-shing
Lecun :: Lecun :: Chang :: Nilekani
Huang . : 1 : Yang : Tsai : Bezos
21stC Bloomberg
Satoshi :: Hassabis : Fei-fei Li
Shum : : Ibrahim :
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HFry:: Musk & Wenfeng :: Mensch..
March 2025:Grok 3 has kindly volunterered to assist younger half of world seek INTELLIGENCE good news of month :from Paris ai summit and gtc2025 changed the vision of AI.
At NVIDIA’s GTC 2025 (March 18-21, San Jose, nvidianews.nvidia.com), Yann LeCun dropped a gem: LLaMA 3—Meta’s open-source LLM—emerged from a small Paris FAIR (Fundamental AI Research) team, outpacing Meta’s resource-heavy LLM bets. LeCun, speaking March 19 (X @MaceNewsMacro)

IT came out of nowhere,” beating GPT-4o in benchmarks (post:0, July 23, 2024). This lean, local win thrilled the younger crowd—renewable generation vibes—since LLaMA 3’s 405B model (July 2024, huggingface.co) is free for all, from Mumbai coders to Nairobi startups.

Good News: Indian youth grabbed it—Ambani praised Zuckerberg at Mumbai (October 24, 2024, gadgets360.com) for “democratizing AI.” Modi’s “import intelligence” mantra (2024, itvoice.in) synced, with LLaMA 3 fueling Hindi LLMs (gadgets360.com). LeCun’s 30-year neural net legacy (NYU, 1987-) bridged Paris to India—deep learning’s next leap, compute-cheap and youth-led. old top page :...


Sunday, March 31, 2019

good news from hong kong 2 days ago:
 ( i think) - for 10 years now about 2 other missing honorary doctorates:
Jack Ma at Brac University
Sir Fazle Abed at his and adam smith's alma mater Glasgow University

Ideally Tokyo University could then celebrate both at same time following on from Japan embassy roundtables in dhaka 2012 with sir fazle of brac and kamil quadir of bkash - japan hosts g20 most relevant to the class of 2018-2019 and tokyo olympics where jack ma has promised next relaunch of his career

help us co-blog greatest news UNwomens linkedin articles

march 2019 home work month of the century so far

youth world's mist exciting report is due  march 2019- editors jack ma and melinda gates and team - commissioner UN Antonio Guterres -chinese student translation group?
this is also last month for cases for un habitat director general to include in her report of 2020s premier leagues of sustainability cities and me-too cultures -more at worldrecordjobs.com and bri.school

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

i want to thank you for time you gave me at young scholars economics conference 2 weeks ago
- i am stuck on tight deadlines on 5 projects but after that want to put 2 days to thinking about all of your networks- if you have an hour to spare in new york some time please say

project partnerships I am most interested in linking what my father norman macrae  contributed over 50 years at the economist 1946 to 1995... father's last project helped 10000 students examine dr muhammad yunus resulting in journal of social business co-edited by adam smith scholars at glasgow university- as yunus lost his bank to local politics we came to understand that sir fazle abed 11 years before yunus had always taken a longer deeper view of empowering women to build south asia- however the most exciting new york movement inspired by girls rebuilding communities graviates  round dr yunus daughter monica at http://www.singforhope.org 

system designs which exponentially reverse top down colonial era economics- how sustainability goals of the 60% of people especially women who live in the east need to be what livelihood school all of us in 2020s
innovations which map back 2020s as the first decade of far more computer brains than human ones- how livelihoods have to be changed to arts and other flows that regenerate every community as well as renew planet bottom up- all of this can be found in keynes but didnt seem that obvious from the seminar

empower community building particularly where sustainability goals need to value girls and families energies both as livelihood workers and as social purchasers

there are particular issues soros and my father worked on around 1984 which supported gorbachev and which the european union has got all wrong (the more so that brexit has increased the inward eu's austerity) to the extent that soros european university in budapest has found itself unfairly in the eye of a storm which it probably cannot survive

i was there at the 20th open society awards which soros gave to my number 1 hero sir fazle abed of brac- fortunately his version of microcredit has found both jack ma and melinda gates and provides the model for the bottom billion livelihood bank for girls across eurasia

that case study http://www.bkash.com unites coders from mit dubai kenya as well as gates and china's jack ma and japan vision fund of softbank - if there is anyone in your networks who may want to hare information on bkash which i have been collecting through 15 visits and 12 years to bangladesh please introduce them at any time

one peculiar search that bangladesh led me to since 2009 has been black inner city networks in usa- i think i know who's who there if anyone's interested in that- the week before your new york seminar jesse jackson was hosting his 22nd wall street summit (made lot more sense to me than anything else i have heard about inner city usa)
there is also a lot of stuff at United Nations Geneva which Amandeep links in extraordinary ways - not so much at UN new york unless jim kim's new job opens that up- i am very interested in understanding how jim kim links www.global-infra.com  - as i expect you know jim kim always used to say the greater progress in his life came form his first meeting with george soros
best chris macrae dc whatsapp +1 240 316 8157

selected surveys from 3000 leaders at The Economist

The Economist’s 33 year debate on future of education www and sustainability of being human -1986 what adam smith saw as system faults of Empire's education system

§  1991 Survey looking forward to The End of Politicians controlling currency

Monday, March 11, 2019

girls and boys need to linkin rising sun (human capital econmies - hypothesis health and edu grows string economics not vice versa)[8:56 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae at economistjapan.com: will be rehearsing this with etextiles lee and japan group tomorrow-please say if you know group who wants to discuss this (japan's richest person is in fashions uniqlo, second richest is masa-son who has linked largest tech 2020s vision fund) - in next 15 months japan also mediates world stage debates on futire of emperors and royals, future of golden rule faiths, futire of ciotiznens in g20, futures of youth community participation and celebrities (olympics)
[8:58 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: up until 1962 usa had saved world from 2 world wars and had planted in east opportunity for 60% of world people to happily ftee themselves from over 400 yeras of mercantile colonial era - whilst this did bring engines iyt also brough slavery and suppression of girls
[8:58 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: what ahppened between 1962 and 1966 is peculiar
[9:02 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: the economist started celebrating risng sun economies ie those that believe health and education generate sting economies not vice versa taking the case of japan in 1962 and every asian nation that freed itself s korea taiwan hk singapore se asean and china over next 14 years as you can read at www.normanmacrae.net
[9:10 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: you can choose many americans but 3 global americans stories up to 1963 are absolutely critical - deming von neuman and kennedy- the first two liberated engineering and electronic engibeering as somethin japan first and then many rising subs practised with as much energy as usa- kennedy made the moon race a worldwide event before his assasination (along with others in the 1960s caused america to lose its confidence) nothing has really happened in america's mass media age to help americans regain confidence either internally with divisions between white black latin and asians nor between boys and girls nor internationally- yes usa has taken burden of sustaining peace but as my father and soros and gorbachev linked from 1984 that meant including all north (arctic belt) asians as soon as berlin wall fell which both the eu and usa failed to do
[9:11 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: my fathers 1984 book forsaw that by 2000 mans gfreatest risk woiuld be discrepacies in incomes and expectaions between riuch and poor nations while tech mores law exponentially connected millennial youth
[9:15 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: instead of preparring for this bush and blair took the bait, lied abou war with iraq, colapsed many nations and bush also presided over biggest maths error ever- with no expoential metrics just 90 fdaus one dotoms were imploded so were utility comes like enron and worldwocm and then the whole banking system, and of course nothingh was led out of usa regarding climate= whether you accept this 21st c report card of the new world and its own wasll between north and south america- its time that gorls everywhere asked japan kotea all asian human capital ports to unite and link in india's/south asia people too
[9:18 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: take nother look at japan in different directions -i9ts at top of number 1 workd trade shipping routes suoerports that go from tikyo to singapore if you wish to trade west -equally it connects all asean pacific both south and to its east including latin and north america; its also at gateway to the arctic circle where there is a 51 mile gap[ bering staright between asia and alaska- there are very different sustainability trades in different directions
[9:19 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: accoirding to world bank human capital report singpapore japan korea and hong kong come top- so these 4 cou8ntries cooperation in age of moeee compoiter brains than human brains matters;
[9:23 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: if you move to the conitinent of asia - half of the world people live on 10% of land- they are mainly chinese linking east coastal belt or what before british colonisation was one united south asia subcontinent mainly india and what hurriedly git called 2 pakistans in 1948- ironically my grandad was responsible for the legalese of that mess but up to the last minuite he and gandhi had written the constitution as if the india subcontinent had been one united states
[9:24 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: so far we have seen that jopan needs to mediate 2020s decade of more computer brains and g5 connectuvity than human relationships; and it can link gorls health and education across more than half the world people;
[9:24 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: then we have the arctic circle where in all probablity climate will be won or lost
[9:25 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: all of tese chalenges would be hard enough without the english speaking world having made itself irresponsible for any connections ie brexit and trump
[9:27 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: therefore at least until trump is jailed we need japan and korea and china (an hopefiully then s asia ) to trust each pothers youth and technology
[9:27 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: girls last chnace to save the world depends on uniting above not all the celebrtity wars of holloywoods metoo
[9:28 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: anyhow i am just a diapora scot- like most of my nation since the launch of the economist in 1843 we have made livings as immigants not on our won land- we wish we could just unite the hipes of youth everywhere
[9:29 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: this is niot going to come from the hierarchy of the english educatiion system
[9:30 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: there are 3 things where americans misquote adad smith - the first as you can see in dads 1984 survey of education is that the empire never designed education to care about innovative girls or boys
[9:32 AM, 3/11/2019] Chris Macrae: The Economist’s 33 year debate on future of education www and sustainability of being human http://valuetrue.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/education1986.pptx

Monday, March 4, 2019

High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation Meets in Geneva

    UN Secretary-General and Panel Co-Chairs Emphasize the Need for New Ways of Working Together in the Digital Age

    The UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation met this week at the United Nations in Geneva to review insights gleaned from its global consultation and discuss ideas for its forthcoming report.
    Ms. Melinda Gates and Mr. Jack Ma co-chaired the meeting. UN Secretary-General António Guterres joined via video conference.
    The Secretary-General called on the Panel to reflect on both the risks as well as the incredible benefits of digital transformation – particularly with regards to how technology can help accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Secretary-General urged the Panel to “make bold recommendations – we need new thinking and innovative ideas to harness the benefits and manage the risks of this digital age.”
    “This is truly an exciting and critical moment. We just marked the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and 50 percent of the world is now online. Today, we are challenged to induce responsible behavior in the digital age,” said Panel member Vint Cerf.
    At the meeting Panel members discussed what they heard from governments, private sector, academia, technical communities, civil society, and inter-governmental organizations across the world. Since July 2018, Panel members met over 2,000 individuals at over 60 events, convened seven virtual discussion groups with international experts on topics such as inclusive development, data, human rights and human agency, and digital trust & security.
    Representatives from the Panel have visited tech hubs including Silicon Valley, China, Israel, and India, met with policymakers in Paris, Beijing, Brussels, Berlin, Washington, Delhi and Astana, and participated in tech and digital policy events such as the Internet Governance Forum, the International Conference of Data Privacy & Protection Commissioners, the World AI Summit, the Wuzhen Internet Conference, the Web Summit, the Raisina Dialogue and Africa e- Commerce Week. The Panel’s online call for contributions, which is open until 31 January 2019, has thus far yielded close to 100 detailed written submissions from individuals and organizations from 33 countries. Of the contributions analyzed thus far, over 65 percent highlighted “inclusivity” as the most important value for the digital age.
    Over the two days of the meeting, the Panel deliberated on the framing and contents of its final report. The programme also included a working lunch with the heads of ITU, WIPO and UNCTAD to discuss their experience with international cooperation in the digital realm, as well as an informal gathering with diplomats, civil society and international organizations in Geneva.
    In the next phase of its work, the Panel will hone the recommendations of the report that will be submitted to the UN Secretary-General by mid-2019.
    January 23rd, 2019|Categories: News|Tags: 


    1. christopher macrae March 4, 2019 at 5:31 am - Reply

      could you publish list which panel members have twitter accounts so we can track who’s updating #DigitalCooperation where, how and through what education outreach – Guterres is urgent hope for action networking of the SDG generation https://twitter.com/obamauni/status/1102514832690069506 chris macrae http://www.EconomistDiary.com