liz wrote please provide a condensed summary in a couple of bullet points stating the objectives, type of collaboration and outcomes. Then I could potentially forward it to the president of my alma mater Nanyang Technological University NTU Prof Subra Suresh. He attends the WEF every year and is well connected. I was just recently renominated as member of my alumni council.
thanks liz
chris writes:
it will probably take me 2 weeks to do what you say
the reason - there are now 100 - 20 minute videos published by world economic forum clarifying what 300 leaders aim to connect between now and cop26 november ; however with the exception of us climate tsar kerry and a few big fund managers americans, did not appear at weforum but need to be at singapore in May weforum if bidens first 100 days is to change anything worldwide- also by this time it will likely be clear whether britain and germany's eu have any action collaborations left-
- about 4 of davos agenda leaders were from singapore but in 14 weeks time world economic forum will be making singapore its anchor- i am sorting through these eg at - some friends eg india, spain are helping clarify their under 30s burning issues- eg ai and coalition modeling of the 2 vaccines with a chance of reaching three quarters of humans is top-most-
25 years ago unicef knew how to do this- today it doesnt but dubai/geneva aims to help restore unicefs capacity within 12 months; much of ai in education is a total mess but if it is to be sorted in time we need singapore and korea to show us amazing examples this year - education commission asia is a channel of that , as is whomever fei-fei li connects out of stanford; when it comes to blockchain for humanity i still feel utterly lost
if it wasnt for health crisis the big hidden agenda would be whether a digital sdg currency will end the dollars monopoly to keep on controling where/when next financial crisis hits made more hazardous by the bipolar mindset of democrats vs republicans- dc is the most hate making capital on earth in terms of scaling hate
i can also try and chat to a few people at world economic forum eg the board director of ai who also links in their 5 main industrial rev 4 hubs- singapore's main youth ambassador in san francisco is critical too- ie one of the main hosts of last fall's singapore youth summit you intr'd me to
by studying the common diary agendas of klaus schwabs 60 years of mediating worlds most powerful- some things become clear - for world economic forum after singapore 4 big months in a row climax 2021 at a time when will likely know if the virus is a decade long crisis and if so whether the rich world is decoupling itself from end extreme poverty-
sept unga76 ny which geneva prepares health , tech, trade-infrastructure issues on;
italian g20 october;
italian co-hosting glasgow nov;
dubai hosting edutech dec
there are some key western figures on schwabs network maps- basically kerry and gore are bidens climate connectors; in britain gordon brown links all education action networks -as well as most civil servants though not boris' favorites- while bank of england carney and climate host sharma challenge green investors at sector levels; merkels 20 minute video was interesting as it offered a world view instead of just germany rules europe
-probably about 10 of the 100 videos are worth transcripting because they make such central commitments from the west but at the moment its extremely hard to understand whether singapore will unite any of korean, japanese, chinese or indian plans to name but 4- as for the worlds largest ngo partnership engagement in all of the above - over to vincent?
ps when i can work out the next 11 months critical tipping points i try and clarify at thanks much harder is the set of maps needed to make transparent enough to transform curricula- 18 months ago austria and netherlands though they would contribute to action engaging curricula change but last week it became clear these 2 cities werent technology connected with weforum or geneva nor with brilliant tokyo mayors koike's top 40 mayors network- almost everything your japan friends wanted to contribute to world has been stalled- trumpe ruined tokyo g20 including society 5.0 new reiwa era, and osaka data track ;
covid ruined olympics; abominable dc pressure groups ruined friendship of kora and japan; and now that ezra vogel has gone his deep sense out of harvard has nobody wholly following him
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