Entrepreneurial Revolution diary1
dear ER friends ed3
Diary 1 apprenticeships at 50 dollars per sustainability apprentice when 1000 person cohort circles platformed .. several generations of my family have argued both media and education will need transformation if there if millennials especially girls are to be sustainable- gandhi, von neumann , fazle abed and readers of the economist have all directly shaped experiences- i believe chosen selectively ed3 nfts can now qualify specific skills most needed eg virtual reality on metaverse the way the itu and marcus shingles launched last month - indeed for the next year the https://www.sdgmetaverseprize.org/ and sdg ntfs offer ops for apprentice teams to prove themselves and the whole fits in with all of guterres digital roadmap. Are you interested in more details- iapart from some freinds in hong kong I am not sure if parts of discord want to link this; equally not sure about lunchclub though I assume this links with much of andrew ng's purpose. chris wash dc www.nfteds.app +1 240 316 8157
2 celebratmg the top 30 collaborations that 1billiongirls'com and fazle abed mapped so asians villages end extreme poverty - choose from 30 at abedmooc.com
3 closing the big gaps that destroy confidence through education playschool-early grades- pre-adolescence- adolescence- (early adult -first college of first job or startup) ... rejoining community sustainability at any age- for example www.globaldream.guru shpws that 90 by 20 minute 1:1 sessions can end illiteracy at any age - better yet most lietarte people can be the host of this method; other missing peer to peer curricula pre-adolescent physical and menta health .... key issue most 21st work depends of expereinential skill flows not endless classroom examination - see also flow work by csik... (flow)
4 the mess of covid and failure to help russians beyond putin's vision could cause the largest starvation in 40 years - food data logistics etc need collaboratively mapping - we know people with the data but do you know where community platforms can interact safely with this crisis-
5 help us with list of 50 womens most sustaining the world -more at unwomends.com
6 to 10 coming soon
,if you know anyone going to these hoot june events pls say ny june 21 https://www.ed3educators.com/
,if you know anyone going to these hoot june events pls say ny june 21 https://www.ed3educators.com/
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