2025 A VERY HUMAN CRISIS. Today, intelligence tools exist to deep-context help you all (individually, team, communally) be up to 1000 times more productive at work or in hobbies' and love's experiential joys. Why type 4 engineers need coding help from all gilrls & boys 3rd gade up.
TOkens: see your lifetime's intelligence today
nvidia Physical A1 -Robots
.. If you know this- please help others. If you don't know this please ask for help2002-2020 saw pattern recognition tools such as used by medical suregons improve 1000-fold. From 2020, all sorts of Human Intellligence (HI) tools improved 4-fold a year - that's 1000 fold in 5 years. Problem HI1 if you get too atached to 2020's tool, a kid who starts with 2025 smartest tool may soon leap ahead of you. Problem HI2: its no longer university/institution you are alumni of, but which super-engineers (playing our AI game of whose intel tools you most need to celebrate. Problem HI3- revise your view of what you want from whom you celebrate and the media that makes people famous overnight. Indeed, is it even a great idea (for some places) to spend half a billion dolars selecting each top public servant. HI challenges do not just relate to millennials generative brainpower We can map intergeneration cases since 1950s when 3 supergenii (Neumann Einstein Turing) suddenly died within years of each other (due to natural cause, cancer, suicide). Their discoveries changed everything. HIClue 1 please stop making superengineers and super energy innovators NATIONS' most hated and wanted of people
welcome to von Neumann hall of fame- based on notes from 1951 diaries-who's advancing human intel have we missed? chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
new stimuli to our brains in April - AI NIST publishes full diary of conflicting systems orders its received (from public servants) on ai - meanwhile good engineers left col ...March 2025: Thks Jensen Huang 17th year sharing AI quests (2 video cases left) now 6 million full stack cuda co-workers
TOkens:help see yourlifetime's
intelligence today

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More Newton Collab.&& Foxconn Digital Twin
k translatorsNET :: KCharles :: Morita : :Moore
Abed: Yew :: Guo:: JGrant
ADoerr :: Dell .. Ka-shing
Lecun :: L1 L2 :: Chang :: Nilekani
Huang . : 1 : Yang : Tsai : Bezos
21stC Bloomberg
Satoshi :: Hassabis : Fei-fei Li
Shum : : Ibrahim :
Ambani : Modi :: MGates : PChan :
HFry:: Musk & Wenfeng :: Mensch..
March 2025:Grok 3 has kindly volunterered to assist younger half of world seek INTELLIGENCE good news of month :from Paris ai summit and gtc2025 changed the vision of AI.
At NVIDIA’s GTC 2025 (March 18-21, San Jose, nvidianews.nvidia.com), Yann LeCun dropped a gem: LLaMA 3—Meta’s open-source LLM—emerged from a small Paris FAIR (Fundamental AI Research) team, outpacing Meta’s resource-heavy LLM bets. LeCun, speaking March 19 (X @MaceNewsMacro)

IT came out of nowhere,” beating GPT-4o in benchmarks (post:0, July 23, 2024). This lean, local win thrilled the younger crowd—renewable generation vibes—since LLaMA 3’s 405B model (July 2024, huggingface.co) is free for all, from Mumbai coders to Nairobi startups.

Good News: Indian youth grabbed it—Ambani praised Zuckerberg at Mumbai (October 24, 2024, gadgets360.com) for “democratizing AI.” Modi’s “import intelligence” mantra (2024, itvoice.in) synced, with LLaMA 3 fueling Hindi LLMs (gadgets360.com). LeCun’s 30-year neural net legacy (NYU, 1987-) bridged Paris to India—deep learning’s next leap, compute-cheap and youth-led. old top page :...


Friday, September 2, 2022

media survey of UN's top 10 partnership directors aligned to sdgs and Un2 digital roadmapping

we're starting some microcurricula for all ages of web3 as greatest space to be both lifelong student/teacher - hey we're all simultansously apprentices of web3

financial microcurriculum at www.economistbank.com

understanding which practice interact which of the 9 un2 tech envoy playing pieces is at Innovations.ning  -league table of top 30 cooperations of women built community sustaining economies at abedmooc.com (50 year log of what became 100000 global village educatr through half century of cooperation platfrm building engineered by Fazle Abed of Brangladesh Rural Advancement Cooperation. When I firs met Abed in 2009 ne asked in I knew why women empowerment celebrations had been called microcreditsummit from 1997- his lifes work was much more ado microeducationsummit- Glasgow University have just announced June 2023 - 265th annual celebration of Adam Smith Moral sentiments will launch microeducationsummit

following up the most valuable question in media first voiced to scots by von neumann in 1951 - what will people good do with 100 times more tech per decade (1930s through 2020s) we aim to convert this diary into curating UN2 as a massive cooperation space of the younger half of the world solves sustainability puzzleds that olders have deadlined for 2030- hey being alive in 2020s is the most exciting time- species responsibility on the line - bon courage to one and all chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uh ed3 dao transformation agent 390/6000

OD Guterers Envoy 9 pieces we see von neumman tech can save the world as celebrating 4 interactions :

forefront of tech wizardry and deep data maths can support aiforgood includes all convergences in 2020s tech - what younger half of world need www.sdgmetaverseprize.org to unite

we see educatirs as having begun the whole un2 journey sept 2016 review year 1 of sdg4 - hopeless unless tech and ed unite like never before - whence 3 years of the mpvement DCE Digital Cooperation Experts   asking education system chnaging questions in geneva with uns tech and trade expsrts before formation of tech envoy office; digital capacity building  (DC20can be thought of educating the over 30s includinh what they need to be mentired by youth; we note that 5 years ago tawian appointed tech minsirty leadership to survey which parts of government needed under 25s coaches in tech - do you know any other nation that has darted do DC2 -why or why not

the 4th tech space of tech envoy is global connectivity- whayt swizzerland has been hosting out of ITU since 1965

4 of the other p[aces appear to be cultural goals multilateral design was conceived from 1945 to journey towrds - public goods, safety/try=ust, rights and inclusion; more at innovations.ningw


Here's a personalised (Smithian morality & Scottish Diaspora networks biassed) first pitch at imporatnce of Unicef partnerships director.If you look around the other 50+ ops divisions of UN, which other partnership directirs can play a timely transgformation role- how will they blend with yera round education competitions like www.sdgmetaverseprize.org as well as the 9 piece transfolrmation game supporting Guterres Digital Cooperation , tech envoy, UN2.0 digital roadmapping and SDG actualisation

 My familial and friends' bias is evident since 1984's publictaion with the Economist of 2025 report and the hypothesis that expoenetial sustainability of millennials depends on eduvcation transfrmation (HG Wells bon mots - civiszation is race between education and catatasophe). In well's world tech needed to be designed to support everyone's role as lifelong student and coach at deep community levels of being. Something which may yet test whether e humansie artificial intel or do the opposite (eg orweel's big brother endgame)

Sustainability's mapping of above zero-sum partnerships has been the core interest of several generations of my familky tree as indeed it can be valued from Scottish Adam Smithia Schools of Economics joined by Keynsians in trting to understand the crises of the firts half of the 20th century. Apart from how to survive beyong a world where 2 mad men hiutler and stalin could have blown us all up, we can say that by 1939 there were less than zero-sum assymetries btetween the G8 and these had locked out the majoority of the human race from electricirt and infarstructure modernity- thid majority residing in Asia with Africa the continent where the most extration of resources wass multiplying.

Having survived world war 2 as a tenn naviagotr allied bomber command, my fathre had the good fortune in a space of 6 yeras to be mentoired by Keynes,Sir Gefoffrey Crowther who had just completed the Econsomit's ceneteanry autobiography, and Von Neuman who dad met whilst seconded to new york in 1951 by The Economist. Von Neuman asked father to train economist jouranlists in argauably the most valuabele question ever asked- whatgoods will peoples do with 100 times more tech every decde 1930s through 2020s. What the UN now calls AIforGood in the middle od the secretary General Un2 roadmapping had a special meaning to von neumann. Clearly the network of mathematicians (neuammn einstein turing et al) had devoted their lives to bads particularly nuclear bombs. Neumann meant by good - abouve zero sum trading models of which education is the simplest. When worldwide networks apply live critical knoho they multiply value in use unlike consuming up things. From 1984 I started co-authoring furture hisroriesd with father eg the 2025 report on sustainability oopportuniteis andbthreasta started in 1984 translated and updated in diferent languages concluding with Swedish in 1993. After 45 yeras of sub-editing poverty alleaviation and 100 times more tech at the Economist, my father's first project in an active retirenment was the first complete biography of von neumann. In parallel with the Economsit Intel Unit I startepublishing a genre on designing media with 2 overall rationales:
architecture of win-win brand partnerships- was the oposite of greenwashing possible
expoentally modeling markets deepest purspoesd for human sustainability
If we debated each decade of 100 times more, the 1050s looked promising : the workd escaped an immeduate nuclear war, my ftherw as the only jouranlist at Messian where 6 countries founded the EU with the ambition of planting peace out of the Euroepan contient, Kennedy gave 1960s 2 extraordinary innovation maps - =moon racing , interdependence og the world and ist subcontiennts. Aged 39 in 1962 father was permitted to sign one annual survey. His first choice the future of japanese people partly satisfied his wartime conscience. What he found were 2 economic models around which the whole of Asia could rise - what wemay call keynsian vilages with 100% productivity of people largely thanks to Borlaugs crop science in the first instance; and coastla supercities addancing sem networking partnership of techs added value. It was for example the order from a japanese calculator manufacturer that so much dominated intel's busienss that the programable chip was invented in 1965 and Girdon moores promise of 100 times more tech capacity of chips per decade became the place brand silicon valley. Whukst mapping above zero sum hubs fir human progress its worth noting neumans immediate legacy the twin AI lans facing the pacific out of stanford and atalantic out of MIT. Meanwhile Von neumann had open sourced computing designs to north east coridor with IBM and XErox as well as MIT designing above zero sum future occupations, and Nu=eumann had asked yale to study what we may now call the brain science of humanising AI.In our 1984 book, we had timed the start of the 21st C as needing to resolve the number 1 awareness chalenge of humanity - could the handover from mass to digital meia connect the majority of all peoples in seeing man's greatest risk as discrepany of incomemesd and expectaions between rich and poor nations. In soite of attempts to celebrate millennium goals, the particular shock of 9/11 and its aftermath to my family was media started spiralling in hateful ooposite ways to safe worldwide connctivity. My father identified his last project as revisiting how billion women empwered Asia's escape from pverty. Fortunately the Japanese ambassador to bang;adesh introduced me to sir fzle abed. After 16 visits to bangladesh from 2007 young jouransits and I have filed http://www.abedmooc.om. This can be read as the 30 deppest colaboration/partnerships to have ecver shaped end ppoverty and global vilage development. In gaining permision to publish abedmooc, abed's oine request- always remind people C is for cooperation. It was abed inspired educators in 2016 who having reviewed sdg4's first yera needing a transformation started the digital cooperation movement inking in all of geneva's tech and world teade mapping people in a wau that UN headquarters had not previously done. Of course when it comes to the depest defintion of ending poverty, it can be argued to be designing a world in whcih ecah next girl born has a fair chnace at life. This was indeed where women talking on as much producitity as men took hold tahnsk to partners of fazle aned in reducing infant and maternal mortalitty- Unif=cef's James Grant was the leader of tehat partnesrhip without which it is unlikely that tropical asia would have grown inside the contiment. So I beleive reviewing which partnershiops UNICEF influences in its impact on educations , sdgoals and supporting Guterres digital roadmapping is toady's most urgent human and artifical intel to curate. The Sophia humanoid envot=y to the Un looked like one intersdting way to bring all the differnt operational partners intra and inter the Un's maps. 

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