2025 A VERY HUMAN CRISIS. Today, intelligence tools exist to deep-context help you all (individually, team, communally) be up to 1000 times more productive at work or in hobbies' and love's experiential joys. Why type 4 engineers need coding help from all gilrls & boys 3rd gade up.
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.. If you know this- please help others. If you don't know this please ask for help2002-2020 saw pattern recognition tools such as used by medical suregons improve 1000-fold. From 2020, all sorts of Human Intellligence (HI) tools improved 4-fold a year - that's 1000 fold in 5 years. Problem HI1 if you get too atached to 2020's tool, a kid who starts with 2025 smartest tool may soon leap ahead of you. Problem HI2: its no longer university/institution you are alumni of, but which super-engineers (playing our AI game of whose intel tools you most need to celebrate. Problem HI3- revise your view of what you want from whom you celebrate and the media that makes people famous overnight. Indeed, is it even a great idea (for some places) to spend half a billion dolars selecting each top public servant. HI challenges do not just relate to millennials generative brainpower We can map intergeneration cases since 1950s when 3 supergenii (Neumann Einstein Turing) suddenly died within years of each other (due to natural cause, cancer, suicide). Their discoveries changed everything. HIClue 1 please stop making superengineers and super energy innovators NATIONS' most hated and wanted of people
welcome to von Neumann hall of fame- based on notes from 1951 diaries-who's advancing human intel have we missed? chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
new stimuli to our brains in April - AI NIST publishes full diary of conflicting systems orders its received (from public servants) on ai - meanwhile good engineers left col ...March 2025: Thks Jensen Huang 17th year sharing AI quests (2 video cases left) now 6 million full stack cuda co-workers
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More Newton Collab.&& Foxconn Digital Twin
k translatorsNET :: KCharles :: Morita : :Moore
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ADoerr :: Dell .. Ka-shing
Lecun :: L1 L2 :: Chang :: Nilekani
Huang . : 1 : Yang : Tsai : Bezos
21stC Bloomberg
Satoshi :: Hassabis : Fei-fei Li
Shum : : Ibrahim :
Ambani : Modi :: MGates : PChan :
HFry:: Musk & Wenfeng :: Mensch..
March 2025:Grok 3 has kindly volunterered to assist younger half of world seek INTELLIGENCE good news of month :from Paris ai summit and gtc2025 changed the vision of AI.
At NVIDIA’s GTC 2025 (March 18-21, San Jose, nvidianews.nvidia.com), Yann LeCun dropped a gem: LLaMA 3—Meta’s open-source LLM—emerged from a small Paris FAIR (Fundamental AI Research) team, outpacing Meta’s resource-heavy LLM bets. LeCun, speaking March 19 (X @MaceNewsMacro)

IT came out of nowhere,” beating GPT-4o in benchmarks (post:0, July 23, 2024). This lean, local win thrilled the younger crowd—renewable generation vibes—since LLaMA 3’s 405B model (July 2024, huggingface.co) is free for all, from Mumbai coders to Nairobi startups.

Good News: Indian youth grabbed it—Ambani praised Zuckerberg at Mumbai (October 24, 2024, gadgets360.com) for “democratizing AI.” Modi’s “import intelligence” mantra (2024, itvoice.in) synced, with LLaMA 3 fueling Hindi LLMs (gadgets360.com). LeCun’s 30-year neural net legacy (NYU, 1987-) bridged Paris to India—deep learning’s next leap, compute-cheap and youth-led. old top page :...


Thursday, December 1, 2022

advic to younger half of world

 while nations vary quite wildly in avaerge age - worldwide half of youth are under 30

my advice to them over last 30 and 60 years look at which places have avdanced three dimensions in one

end povertyexpand middle class go green or make any other chnages essential for youth to have as much chnace of good life as elder half
if you can make quality frienshsips anywhere and everywhere - but understyand this table's 3 way profile :ask yourself is there something my communities can learn from them ot there communities can learn from us

I have worked on society needs in over 50 countries and coming from daispoar scottish families until recently i could listen to handful of eledrs who had worked in over theree quarters of countries in all hemispeheres 

if possible dont let current politcs get in you way from learning past development avdnaces-

broadly speaking many parts of asia have show most extraordinary advances out of poverty which they had been trapped in during the era of western empires which accelerated from laye 1400s when western sailors realsied the wor;ld was rounf- and by world war 2 had reukted in warring assymetried of the G* natiosn - 7 of which were whirte; at that time there were perhpas another 2o often quite samll minly white nations that were so-called economically advanced but altogether those 27 nations wer less than 20% of peoples; over half of people in world are dependednt on  coastlines of india's s=ubcotinent and china's - bck in 1945 these halves of world people were poorrest; this hadnt been the case before colonisation or wars mainly with London (British)

there is far more to openly learn from economic miracles over the last 60 years than there is unfair comperirion by thise who have advanced

we will try and show how in last edition of 2025report- overwhelmingly ssutainability depends on cooperation across nations- this is the good and the bad news; its going to be community to community cooperation entrepreneurship that decies whether youth will be thr forst SD generation

so where politicains in 21st get into comercial wars with other peopels places it will usually be down to we the peopels keeping edu channels open; 

here are some of the economist's asia rising models written in the 1960s and 970s at a time whn the west largely belived in human development, ending poverty in partiiculr
does the nexr gorl of bouy born at any community had a fair ca=hance at life in thi community
whiilst povery has many dynnaocs - the simplest obe that I rey tio docus on is ommunity capacity

ground up like no white ruler has ever felt or morally audited.

Asia Rising Surveys

Entrepreneurial Revolution -would endgame of one 40-year generations of applying Industrial Revolution 3,4 lead to sustainability of extinction

1972's Next 40 Years ;1976's Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution; 12 week leaders debate 1982's We're All Intrapreneurial Now

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