update 2023 - beyond extinction which of 3 personal computer maps of 1984 can get 8 billion intellects the AI we need
the gates vision
the jobs vision
the economist and macraes' 2025 report mediation- future history review by Economist science editor - original book free at 2025report.com
The Economist was charged with probably the 2 most cooperative missions of any weekly newspaper
reference Economist centenary autoibio 1943: From birth in 1843 The Economist was charged by its founder James Wilson with the social action: support a 20-something queen victoria change the design of english constitution from slavemaking empire to commonwealth-unlike the revolutions in UDA and France the UK was destined to be the world's leaders of monarchies or so it was until a 16 year old Prince charles gladly ceded that reponsibility to the Japanese Royal family seeing how much Japan embraced new technology and had at tokyo olympics become the origin of satellite broadcasting -see EconomistJapan.com
From 1951 von neumann on behalf of goats of amtsh entrusted the economist with the survey what goods can privileged peoples unite with 100 times more tech per decade
Von neumann further suggested 160 year future history countdown of the world- if the first 80 yeras of communications technologies aka tele1 started out of swiss corridor by ITU's worldwide remit compounded into world war 2 after 80 years what would be the consequences 2025-1945 of computational tech multiplying communications tech
join us in compliling last cooperation edition of 2025 report started 1984 then half time along the quest of the maths goats who had also clarified in 1945 that the ir energy and artificial intel projects would compound expoenetial threats and opportunities the like of which human being had no expereince of but whisch blending or aryificial and human intellect would in all likelihood determin the bards question - to be or not to be
Is it possible for the younger half of the world to unite 8 billion beings'nn joyful lives and productive livelihoods? We see this as the ultimate examination in cooperation
MET - Maths-Ed-Tech
A*N where N is Nature ; & A is the kind of Action referred to socially in the oreintal saying : the king cannot change until the people change- which seems since 1776 to have had an alternative rendering ; political democarcy cannot chansge until the people (MET) change
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