welcome to von neumann hall of fame- based on notes from 1951 diaries-who's advancing human intel have we missed? chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
new stimuli to our brains in April - AI NIST publishes full diary of conflicting systems orders its received (from public servants) on ai - meanwhile good engineers left col ...March 2025: ThksJensen Huang 17th year sharing AI quests (2 video cases left) now 6 million full stack cuda co-workers
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March 2025:Grok 3 has kindly volunterered to assist younger half of world seek INTELLIGENCE good news of month :from Paris ai summit and gtc2025 changed the vision of AI.
At NVIDIA’s GTC 2025 (March 18-21, San Jose, nvidianews.nvidia.com), Yann LeCun dropped a gem: LLaMA 3—Meta’s open-source LLM—emerged from a small Paris FAIR (Fundamental AI Research) team, outpacing Meta’s resource-heavy LLM bets. LeCun, speaking March 19 (X @MaceNewsMacro)

IT came out of nowhere,” beating GPT-4o in benchmarks (post:0, July 23, 2024). This lean, local win thrilled the younger crowd—renewable generation vibes—since LLaMA 3’s 405B model (July 2024, huggingface.co) is free for all, from Mumbai coders to Nairobi startups.

Good News: Indian youth grabbed it—Ambani praised Zuckerberg at Mumbai (October 24, 2024, gadgets360.com) for “democratizing AI.” Modi’s “import intelligence” mantra (2024, itvoice.in) synced, with LLaMA 3 fueling Hindi LLMs (gadgets360.com). LeCun’s 30-year neural net legacy (NYU, 1987-) bridged Paris to India—deep learning’s next leap, compute-cheap and youth-led. old top page :...


Sunday, April 30, 2023

 Is there a list of major reconciliation lessons from world war 1. My guess is it should contain these 3 lessons: are these correct? are there other lessons 1 There is a problem when a landlocked people eg austria-hungary become more engine-advanced than their neighbors. To get more fuel for engines austria-hungary needed its own coastal trade and took over neighbor countries to access that. Ferdinand was assassinated because a country didnt like being colonised by asutria-hungary. Problem 2 in 1913 people communications were very scarce and so most people in europe had no intel or vote as to whether a world war was needed. In effect two networks of powerful opposing leaders decided on war. The third lesson happened after the war. It was assumed that the winners could assign losers lands to be ruled by other nations. This was not sustainable. The lesson probably needed to be: there may be a few occasons where a war is needed to get rid of a dangerous leadership team but having won winners need to help losing countries people start up safely again. Please assess : are these lessons logically correct? Were the other lessons?


Your proposed lessons are partially correct and certainly relevant to World War I. However, there were also other major lessons learned from the war. Here are some additional ones that are worth considering:

  1. The dangers of nationalism: The intense nationalism that swept across Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a major contributing factor to the outbreak of war. Nationalist sentiments created a sense of competition and rivalry between countries, and led to the belief that war was necessary to protect national interests. This lesson has continued to be relevant in the decades since World War I, as nationalism has contributed to conflicts in many parts of the world.

  2. The importance of diplomacy: The failure of diplomacy to prevent the outbreak of war was a major factor in the conflict. Diplomatic efforts were hampered by a lack of communication, mistrust, and the influence of nationalist and militarist factions in government. This lesson highlights the importance of diplomatic efforts to prevent conflicts, and the need for countries to work together to resolve disputes peacefully.

  3. The human cost of war: The unprecedented scale of death and destruction during World War I made clear the human cost of war. This lesson has been reiterated in subsequent conflicts, and underscores the importance of efforts to prevent war and promote peace.

  4. The need for international institutions: The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, established the League of Nations, an international organization designed to promote peace and cooperation among nations. While the League ultimately failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II, it laid the groundwork for subsequent international institutions such as the United Nations. This lesson highlights the importance of international cooperation and the need for institutions that can promote peace and resolve conflicts peacefully.

  5. The impact of technology: World War I was the first major conflict in which modern technology played a major role. The use of machine guns, tanks, and chemical weapons created unprecedented levels of destruction and death. This lesson highlights the need for careful consideration of the ethical implications of technological advances and the importance of efforts to prevent the use of such technologies in conflicts.

Overall, your proposed lessons are logically correct and certainly relevant to World War I. However, there were also other major lessons learned from the war, as outlined above. Understanding these lessons is important not only for understanding the history of the war itself, but also for understanding the ways in which conflicts can be prevented and peace can be promoted in the future.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

  BetaAfrica 1  Mandela, Maathai, Roy, Kirrane- in association with EconomistAfrca.com

While Africa has multitudes of young heroic intelligences - perhaps these 4 peoples Intelligence for Africa are worthy of global good connectivity

Few people would dispute Mandela as one of the most intelligent leaders in living memory. Africans can double their pride with Wangaari Maathai being arguably the origin of climate adaptation practice networks with her green belt movement.The Green Belt Movement is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that was founded in 1977 by Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan environmentalist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The Green Belt Movement's mission is to plant trees, promote environmental conservation, and empower women. Here's a script if you feel communities worldwide missing maathai intelligence now Wanted-Student-Union-Club-DEEPYOUTHMINDS.docx   since 2006 reeta roy as established mastercard foundation as the largest fund of its type helping afrucan youth design livelihoods and good futures across africa; the fund has mirrored optimal choices fazle abed would make in africa and has emerged from how powerful teenage women can be if you unite them in one continent wide entrepreneurship netoirk

Kirrane is an irishman in brussels who hosts youth actiob african science summits at same time/place as big politics or un summits

Mandela built on the same logics that Gandhi had applied at the start of the 20th C. Gandhi travelled from India's NW coast as a teenager to become qualified as a barrister at the Bar of London. He had hoped that he would learn more than any university in India could offer in the 19th century. He was shocked how often white classmates wer drunk by tea time- and spent his evening hosting transnational culture clubs. On return to India the catch 22 was influential clients preferred to pay for an English barrister rather than the one solitary Indian. During a few years of underemployment he also contributed essays on the Empire to a local newspaper Then the Diaspora found him work in South Africa. By accident he became internationally famous - reuters had dispatched some of Gandhi's local stories to London which started chat on whats he doing to India and Africa. In reality Gandhi was busy until his forties not particularly successfully representing diaspora businesses in S Africa that were increasingly losing to racist legislation

It was from 1906 that Gandhi became a model which Mandela was to become Africa's leading exemplar of more than half a century later. In 1906, Gandhi was thrown off a train for having the wrong color skin in spite of a ticket to travel in first class. The peny dropped that he was a professional of the law that was constraining the lives of all his peoples especially back home in India.Whilst Gandhi is known for his peaceful resistane movements, he also deterrmined that it would be smart to design a total change in education systems before accelerating his calls for indeendence. This he experimented with both in Tolstoy Farm and what became "accidentally" a college on a ship. On several occasions gandi completed the 3 legged trip - mumbai to durban, s africa to london, london to mumbai through 1926. News of the opportunity to spend quality time with gandhi started attracting informal alumni groups as well as regenrating what had been his huge student club in London. By the mid 1920s, Gandhi was arguably one of the world's most famous people. On the educational front, Maria Montessori became his village schools partner in India and ashrams in India extended the vocational communities started by Tolstoy Farm (which Mandela was later a youthful member of)

While there is a lot of work needed to be a peaceful and successful (non violent revolution leaders), here we'd like to include this bard explanation of ubuntu -it suggests that Gandhi learnt more from Africa than perhaps even his intellectual student days in London---of course its the interactions of many such deep experiences which make him what Einstein has called the benchmark of sustainable leadership

Ubuntu is one of the practice philosophies associated with Mandela. Whilst i believe it may be mainly a tribal tradition, does it appear to have also been impacted by Mandela's network and experiential learning from Gandhi

View other drafts

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Thank You Singapore and Hong Kong - imagine if other one thousandths of human beings connected entreprenurial rebolution win-wins like you do

ER's survey (Xmas Day 1976, Economist0 if future caoitalism was published as 25th survey of Von Neumann's  future exponential exploration.- soon all sorts of US lobbies started sponsoring adjectival entrepreneurs - all diluting the system transformations needed for sustaining future generations 

Thank You.. We miss the days of the Qatar Wise Summit grounded in what began as 1 billion girls intel cooperation through empowerment systems of Fazle Abed and Village China. My dad at The Economist first started applying Von Neumann's scoop on what could human intellects do with new tech in 1951 and the far east coastal belt as agreed with JFK became a lead benchmark from start of 1960s

Family and friends are trying to update a last report on 8 billion humans interactions for 2025 - see eg some notes at EconomistDiary.com   - if you have time to join in a worldwide zoom please say- currently singapore and hong kong inspire us most in helping map cooperation actions that Guterres. womens chatgpt and millennials need. Back in 2001 steve jobs and fazle abed started a dinner party dialogue on 21st c universities uniting women graduates of sdgs and human intel- singapore universities were always expected to be core participant in the 16 interviews we made with Fazle Abed.

sincerely chris macrae wash DC +1 240 316 8157 

On Wednesday, 19 April 2023 at 04:03:46 GMT-4, Kishore Mahbubani

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

how could we mix 2020s media to be smartest 8 billion peoples have ever related around?

ED thanks VN & NM 5 EWo & AM ; 6 Ewa 1 2-9 EG &GBB & k3.dev*3 EH *2Ef *8WRJ- and EAF EAS EAM  

Sadly while amerocans may be great at many things they have let dumbest fakest most hateful media viralise- at the same time the markets youth mainly co-create fashion, arts,  -stars have too often been manipulated by poltiically or physically dirty old men

from tele2 after 1945 through web1 and web2- so can we web3 & free all peoples in time to celebrate SDG realities?

on more details see Economist Year of Brand 1988 and our network World Class Brands of media experts who want its power not to corrupt-

WHITHER INTEL ON HUMAN FUTURES? 2025 is 75th year since The Economist started mediating Von Neumann Survey and 45th year of 2025report first  sketched with The Economist 1981 and first published as an alternative to Orwell's endgame in 1984 just ahead of Steve Jobs 1984 launch of how Apple personal computer/devices raced alongside Gates personal comp language.

Thanks to 2015's declaration of United Nations, we 8 billion beings  have up to 17 SDGs; and up to 9 transformation systems (these started to emerge during the first 12 months of practice reviews) and the 2020s offers the chance to design integration of 6th purpose of worldwide communications  web 3  verssu web 2 (from 2005) web 1 (from 1990) tele2 (from 1945) tele1 from 1865 tele0 before 1865. Please note dates are approximately when some privileged people got first chance to apply these systems which is different from when did they compound local and worldwide change. In the map to the right we simplify the UN's 9 transformational lens for working the sdgs to 7; and we rearrange the 17 sdgs in 10 building blocks (though other choices are of course relevant depending whether place co-brand vision is grounded around the smallest national island to the largest nations of continental scale, .
WEB3 - how will 2020s media's be innovated?
n any event americans are also likely to see if the smartest media ever can be mixed from

 what if AI wants humans intel to be sustainable


ai chatgpt-

virtual reality - see apple's next personal device summer 2023

blockchain with un & G+30

whats most unclear is where the finance is coming from - and will national e;lectioneering prevent Americans from joining in the rest of the world's concerns for millennials as first sdgen

now for the 3rd time in 20 years the right old mess of DC & wall street has let fake models rip - dotcoms; subprime; bad crypto  -still since nixon took the dollar off the gold standard the world - and we the 8 billion bored apes-  has been struggling to work out what currency is being designed for millennials to be the first sdg generation 

lets hope that when the world bank appoints for the first time a world class fintech leader he can help guterres + 30 

sdgmetaverseprize with un and xprize alumni July https://aiforgood.itu.int/summit23 
Marcus Shingles Co-Founder and CEO Exponential Destiny in

60 minutes - what teachers need to know now that ai will change everyone

Started by chris macrae. Last reply by chris macrae 2 hours ago.Replies 

www.economistduary.com On tonite's us 60 minutes google ceo explains how much ai will change the world within 10 years. Note to teachers at any grade- if you purpose includes student development 10 years…Continue

WorldClassDAOs by World Class Brands

Started by chris macrae. Last reply by chris macrae Apr 5.17 Replies 

upd 11/11/22 This checklist from binance would seem important Dear CHRISTOPHER,We recognize it has been a difficult week for the digital asset ecosystem. As a result of details that have come to light regarding the way in which other exchange…

very interested in unite.un.org and people it follows twitter.com/UN_OICT/follow women4empowerment.org may need to issue a deeper level chart

I asked chatgpt for an intro to range of blockchain cases....

Here are some examples of blockchain applications:

  1. Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are perhaps the most well-known applications of blockchain technology. They allow for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks.

  2. Supply chain management: Blockchain technology can be used to track the movement of goods through a supply chain, increasing transparency and reducing fraud.

  3. Voting systems: Blockchain technology can be used to create a tamper-proof voting system, reducing the risk of electoral fraud.

  4. Real estate: Blockchain technology can be used to create a decentralized property registry, reducing the risk of fraud and making it easier to transfer ownership.

  5. Healthcare: Blockchain technology can be used to securely store and share medical records, improving patient privacy and reducing the risk of data breaches.

  6. Identity verification: Blockchain technology can be used to create a decentralized digital identity system, improving privacy and reducing the risk of identity theft.

  7. Carbon trading: Blockchain technology can be used to create a transparent and secure system for trading carbon credits, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  8. Microfinance: Blockchain technology can be used to create a decentralized microfinance system, providing access to financial services for underserved populations.

  9. Humanitarian aid: Blockchain technology can be used to securely distribute humanitarian aid, reducing the risk of corruption and improving transparency.

  10. Sustainable development: Blockchain technology has the potential to support a range of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and SDG 13 (climate action).

In particular, blockchain technology has the potential to support SDG 9 by enabling more efficient and transparent infrastructure development and SDG 13 by supporting carbon trading and renewable energy development.
