Breaking July Guterres choosing top20 AIHLAB.. bard says Hassabis will chair this with UN tech envoy leaders Amandep Gill; members include Stanford's Fei-Fei Li , Allen's Etzioni, Sinovation's Kai Fu Lee, ![]() Uni2 :FFL*JOBS*DHgoog Guterres*JYK*JFK | .Game AI : Architect Intelligence:: EconomistDiary invites you to co-create this game & apply ; personalise your pack of 52 players cards. Whose intelligence over last 75 years most connects human advancement at every gps concenring you and yours on planet? we offer 3 types of tours sampling rockstars on intelligence for good and welcome guest tours :Alpha Chronological began 1951 through 4 decades at The Economist; Gamma: back from future of 2020s began 1984; Beta intergeneration connectors are more recent quests; try AI game out; we'd love to hear whose action networks inspires You and who Alpha1 JFKennedy Neumann-Einstein-Turing Crowther; Youth visions for 1960s launched by Kennedy as great as any known to us- eg space race; peace corps, Atlantic-Pacific win-win trade; Kennedy had studied quite traditional economic gurus at Harvard (eg ); served in nay pacific theatre word war 2; he discovered The Economist stories of exciting economic possibilities; these had emerged from editir geoffrey crowther ; his 20+ years of editing included 1943 centenary autobiography of Ecojnomist- had been a mistake to vision a nespaper helping 20 sometging victoriua in 1843 transform to commonwealth trading from savemaking empire; croiwther thoought good news media was worth another go; he sent a rookie journalisd who had survived beeing teen allied bomber co,and Burma to pertrain with Neumann at Princeto yera of 1951 as well as interview NY-UN year 6; Neumann explained after spendin their lives mainly on sciemce alles need to beat hitler, Neumann-Einstein-Turing wanted a good leagcy - digotalisation -see eg neumann's last lectiur notes deliver yale "Computer and the Brain" there were 4 inter-generational crises the net cound foresee; sorting out energy; designing win-win economics; sorting out worldwide cooperations; everything else UN and multilaterals were being asked to resolve; Neumann trained Economist journalist in the leadership survey : what goods will humans unite wherever they have early access to 100 times more tech per decade Gamma1 Hassabis Guterres JYK Fei-Fei Li, Yang, Chang, Chang- There are lots of alternative Gammas but we start with 2 engineers who transformed ai from 2010 when they met at Stanford and discussed FFL's NSF funding of imagenet since 2006; 2 public health servants who in 2016 weren't happy with just talking 17 new UN goals and have been asking AI genii to help digital roadmap UN2 since 2016 and a Taiwanese American in Silicon valeey, a Chinese American In Taiwan and Samuing's Korean who partnered Taiwan's chip making genii; these stories have lots of personal courage as well as brilliance; any reporting errors are mine alone My family has made 100 trips to asia from the west but still have no fluency in oriental languages so I am biaassed : i believe NOW! that LLMs can connect the best beings will ever help each other map and do urgently wherever life critical Beta 1 celebratess massive web and inter-generational gifts of Steve Jobs Fazle Abed Mr Sudo JYKim and Mr Grant; you will probably know Jobs started 2 digital networking revolutions with 1984s Mackintosh Personal Computer and apple and 2007's iphone; at bottom of pyramid, you may not know Asia-66-percent-of%20Intelligence-for-good-part-1.docx fazle abed linked up to 1 billion tropical Asian real housewives & entrepreneurs towards empowering the end of poverty; and Steve hosted silicon valleys 65th birthday party for abed in 2001; they brainstormed transfromative education whcich the pc hadn't yet delivered but could the mobile era be visoned to do so?; Mr Sudo had partnered Abed and Bangladesh villagers in "leapfrog" mobile expereiments since 1995. At the ssme time as Jobs was introducing Abed to eg stanford friends, Kim had discovered \Abed's women were networking the most effective solution to rural Tunerculosis; he introduced Gates and Soros to Abed as all 4 wanted 2000s Global Fund to end TB & HIV & Malaria; at the ssme time Guterres had moved from Portuguese prime minister to red cross and then UN servant leader of refugees; meanwhile back in 1980 it was UNICEF'Sjames grant who had discovered Fazle Abed women;s oral rehydration network for saving lives of 1 in 3 infants of dying from diarrhea in tropics' humid villages ; Grant became worldwide marketer of how parents could mix water sugar and salts as this life saving cure of ORD; naturally James Grant College of Glabal Public Health has beceome corneerstone of all the enw university cooperations Abed and Jobs started braunstorming in 2001 |
Breaking July Guterres choosing top20 AIHLAB.. bard says Hassabis will chair this with UN tech envoy leaders Amandep Gill; members include Stanford's Fei-Fei Li , Allen's Etzioni, Sinovation's Kai Fu Lee, ![]() Uni2 :FFL*JOBS*DHgoog Guterres*JYK*JFK | 100 AI curiosity dialogues at how did LLMs replace web3 metaverse Countdown Architect Intelligence for all : 1984::X::Y Z -dedicated to & ER - 8 billion thanks Scot James Wilson dies in year 2 of chartering taxes & financial services piloting Queen Victoria's vision commonwealth across india subcontinent - 112 year later fazle abed and 1billiongirls picked up where James parted; by now Economist was in 22nd year of Von Neumann AI survey ...INTEL of week 4/24 "Cyber-Physical Internet (CPI): Sending and receiving manufactured products just like sending and receiving instant messages" host UN Latest news. from UN Guterres+30 - CEB | In tribute to 8 billion humans cooperations during covid our diary reserves 2020 for upcoming global village zoom innovations how to mix web3 for sustainability - good blockchain- good chatgpt; sdg storytellers on metaverse- daos for sdgs -eg DG4 -world class brands on 5th decade of chartering brand leaders for sustainability - at the start of 1990s we challenged 20th C media experts not to get involved with greenwashing - see the brand architecture practice we established why not help millennials assemble AI's most exciting partnerships (2023.1 ) around the UN (2020)? |
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