75 years of the most intelligent ideas emerging from legacy of NET : Neumannn Einstein Turing. the NET's briefings wer very clear- look for abpve zero sum system exchanges - eg many educational transformations . Note how communicatiosn and energy system crises had root caused 2 world wars so sorting those our transparently out of every community matters
those big vompapnies that have been splt into 40 interprenur sections as one overall innocation platf0rm might want their ceo to be replivated as agents if he is the overall innovator or whomever was origin of each inrarpareneurial split (charter future histiry process of world class brand leading partnerships/architecture)
Neumann expected neural network algoiorithsm to be essential - he anticipated at lesst 3 multiplyong waves of million times more tech: computational eg moores law; satellite data distribuition between communitioes eg 1g to 5G - by 2025 quintillion times motre tech would change every meaning and brain of being human!
recent extenstions of this:
hong kong digital twin medical colege shared with world
million times more addrressing deep data chalenges of einsteins 1905 papers as well as conflict transformationn
1 every child an teacher and parent has theor own learning agent or tutor first widely discussed 1973 eg uk cal project- latest example ; scaling speed see eg itf difital twin summit 2024
2 nb local communities missing hearth carte servants donmt need huge llms updating 24/7 except in emergencies. We could imagine nursing and medical services involving 30 quite simple apps as well as 10 much more detailed telehealth and surgical tools
3 redesigning some value chains to be owned by next generation not elders - eg sports,., fashions, pop, arts since 2000 if not earlier
model for dealing with huge expert market that needs to be deleted - the us faced this with tobacco 1960s and failed ; at same time note difference between western markets that have become hostages to drig crises and those orienmtal countries that made drug running a capital offence
discussion of when to go beyond carvon started 1970s eg nixon; the ,majority of nations dont have any critiical minerals to carbon age so are triply disadvantaged by 2020s not opebnly benchmarking any green models ; can be thriving ecoinomy; is long term only renewavle generation; can prevent negative balance of trade; can minimise wars- whos going to war over another places sunshine as local energy dustributor
earth 2.0 models could have started with water- catalogue every type of water crisis ; map which applied where; clarify which have solutions affordable by all