First debriefing - Dhalka April 2016 - Abed's 80th birthday party ; followed up digital for millennial goals 2001 - abed 65th borthday party osted by steve jobs family silicon valley
main supporters of ai for sdgs ; world bank jim yomng kim, at sept 2016 first annual sdg 4 education briefing (supported by jack ma alipay partnership of bangladesh bkash); melinda gates & fei-fei li- from whom un2.0 configured around ai for sdgs and transformation of education emerged from 2018
enemies of ai for sdgs : amandeep gill at UN - whose theory-based views have totally torn up womens action learning map of abed, kim, gates, fei-fei li; gill's attitude is peculiar since his nation of origin india with its universal digital identity and lowest cost data trasmission systems is the most populous benchmark of ai fior sdgs; the wotld need Unn to practice onm the groung but sadly it let mdgs be greenwashed by mad avenue advertising and its not doing better in trabsforming education around ai and sdgs Elevate whole population of India ;;
Mukesh Ambani says Mark Zuckerberg 'will go down in ...
admittedly, he s17 dgs are a complicated listing unless you factor them
goals 1 to 5 are supported by community intelligence- bottom billion asian women empowerment since 1970
goals 6 to 8 liveleihoods and rtenewability of millennails generation depend on world's nariosn living up to green economy timelines - its is true that the 1.5 degree promise had specioal significance to Bangladesdh; as low lying deta half of its lands are likely washed away by 2.5 degrees
goals 9-12 seem to us to correponds to 4I's of internetworked world where lide-critical intelligence (fiversity of deep data sovereignty) shared across bodrers is the biggest win-win
goals 13-16 depend on peace and climate and other changes of decolonial ai mapping being agreed if huamanity is to advance beyond the worst behaviors of the era of empires and 2 world wars up to 1945
in this franmework its best to reframe sdg 17 as an overall systems tranformation in which the powers of biggest gov and biggest corporates are traingularised by famiuly civil society which aisan women empowerment movements have provided clearest maps of
with abed;s death 2019, paris olympics redesign with muhammad yunus offers youthful system ransgormation celebration clues which Paris AI Action Summit Feb 2025 (3rd in King Charles Ai world series) can advance
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